Need Prayer three days into my Liquid diet. 11 days until surgery.

Doris Cervenka
on 5/12/11 5:27 pm - Ganado, TX
     Being on a Liquid diet.  I never thought would be this hard.  Because, I always like slimfast drinks.  But, I,m only three days into my Liquid diet.  An am so sick of drinking Chocolate and Vanillia protein shakes.   I brought the Orange favored but hated it.  I need everybody to pray for me to get thought this. The one good thing is I have not been hungry on the drinks.  It just getting them down.   The emotions of wanting food.   Watching other people eat.  When you can,t have it. I had to sit thought a meal at Mexican food restaurant with my family.   I did not tell them that could not eat because, I did not want to stop them from having a good time. Everybody  really ate healthy things and everybody stuck to only drinking water.  They are super healthy people and really have been supportive and helpful. 
      I know this is just the beginning of my jouney.  My surgery will happen because, I know in my heart.  I can get through this and make the changes.  I truly need in my life to stay alive and well.
 But, It truly is one of the hardest things.   I have done in my life.  So I need your prayers.  I don,t want to let down my family.
on 5/13/11 1:35 am - Raleigh, NC
I'm sorry you are having a hard time.  The liquid pre-op diet sucks.  However, it does make surgery much safer.  The 11 days will be up before you know it.  It is worth it!!!

Good luck!
Top is my progress, Bottom is to Surgeon's Goal
on 5/14/11 5:39 am - MN
Mix the vanilla with the orange? I like to mix the vanilla protein with some orange crystal lite. Creamsicle, yum!
on 6/20/11 5:48 pm
I never post here but I wanted to share that I started putting my shakes in the freezer for 20-30 mins. It made them a little easier to drink. Also see I purchased a peanut butter powder(PB2) I think to add to the choc and van just to change the flavor. Good luck!
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