
on 9/27/15 5:58 pm
RNY on 03/01/16

I hate this part. The waiting. All I have left to do is complete my blood work in December and submit everything to my insurance on 1/4/16. It's only 9/27/15 and I am driving myself crazy. I want this done and over with so I can start to get my life back. I got my treadmill, I ordered my Fitbit, I'm recording everything that enters my mouth, I've cut out sugar and am measuring my food. I don't know what else I can do to prepare myself for the Bypass and not being able to do anything else is driving me insane. 

I look at myself in the mirror everyday and remind myself the face looking back at me will only look like that for a few more month. By this time next year I hope to be 100 or more pounds lighter and this will all be a distant memory, but waiting for the magical day is killing me. 

Any suggestions? How did you get thru the waiting period before your surgery? Oh, and thanks for letting me vent a bit....


HW: 394 SW: 359 GW: 187


on 9/27/15 6:01 pm
RNY on 07/05/16

This is how I feel, too. You are a little bit ahead of me, though. I attended the online seminar, and now I have to meet with the surgeon on October 14th. I just want to get this going! I have to go through a six-month diet, and I hope to get my surgery in May/June. Ugh!

on 9/27/15 6:13 pm - Austin, TX

Embrace this time - believe it or not time will move very quickly. I would suggest using this time to get an understanding of what got you where you are. Be honest with yourself and learn new coping mechanisms when "life" happens. I had no idea of how much a mental battle it is to lose weight. It's quite an amazing journey. 

  RNY 8/27/2014

on 9/27/15 7:32 pm

Oh gosh, I remember being where you are now. It is both exciting and frustrating all at the same time. You will get there, and the reward will be sweet!!! Your life will change, and you are gonna love it!!

Just keep sticking with what you are doing. Just try to remember that at least you are well on your way!! Good luck Sweet Lady!!

on 9/28/15 7:10 am - Rockland, Canada

It will go faster than you think, but I understand how you feel. Take this time to continue and solidify the good habits you have started. Keep exercising. the stronger your heart is, the safe the surgery will be for you. The hardest time of year for food is coming up. Stay strong.

In all honesty, I stayed strong until I was on the operating table. I almost chickened out, lmao.

RNY 2011/07/26 HW 338; SW 301; LW 199; Starting over weight 255; CW 212; GOAL #1 lose regain back to 199 lbs!

(deactivated member)
on 9/28/15 7:37 am
RNY on 05/04/15

If you're spending this time developing the right eating habits, exercising, and trying to lose as much as possible before surgery, you're already on the right track! The rest is just patience unfortunately. But doing all of the "head work" ahead of time will benefit you big time after surgery. I lost 80 lbs during my 6-month pre-op process, which my surgeon says is why my surgery and recovery went so smoothly, so I promise this is not just wasted time.

on 9/28/15 2:52 pm
RNY on 08/04/15

Use this time to lose weight.  Learn when it is head hunger (you want it) or you are hungry.  Lose some weight.  You have 200 pounds to lose.  The honeymoon period is 6 months, easy losing.  You will continue to lose after that period.  But start losing weight, let your life change today.  After surgery, it is always still waiting.  Waiting for full liquids, waiting for puree, waiting for solid foods, waiting out a stall.  If you lose the first (easy) 50 pounds now and then the surgery kicks in you will really see some changes.  If you wait till after the surgery to lose weight, you have to wait a year to 18 months to lose the weight.  Learn how to get back on the wagon after derailment.  These are skills you need to practice.  You will be successful.

Age 61 5'4" Consult-6/2/15: 238 SW-8/4/15: 210 CW:145 (6/30/18) M1-16#, M2-17#, M3-14#, M4-10#, M5-6#, M6-5#, M7-1#, M8 -3# Range 133-138 DexaScan 4/16/17 19% body fat---- 2016 wt avg 142-146, 2017, wt. avg 132-136, 2018 avg weight 144-146 bounce back is real.

on 9/28/15 4:19 pm
VSG on 11/19/14 with

I promise in just a short time this time will be a distant memory. Hang in there




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