Very Soft Foods

on 3/17/14 9:18 am

Did anyone else have to go through a VERY soft food stage before they went to regular soft foods?

on 3/17/14 9:28 am - Orlando, FL
VSG on 02/12/14

AKA pureed maybe? 



 Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get. ”

— Dave Gardner

on 3/17/14 10:40 am
RNY on 03/25/14

Soft food stage as described by my doctor is food that you can cut with a plastic fork.  Such as very tender meats (like crock pot tender)  or fish, scallops or crab.  shredded cheese, beans, lentils, tofu or soft fruits like bananas and finally soups with chunks because the veggies and meat are tender.   After the soft food phase he has you move to a modified diet where you start introducing more regular everyday foods.


on 3/18/14 5:02 am - OH

Try talking to a speech pathologist who works with swallowing disorders.  We call it "fork mash" consistency.  Think Mac and cheese, cottage cheese, coarse applesauce, vegetables that have been cooked to death and lightly smashed with your fork.  Mushy cereal.  Does that help?

on 3/18/14 8:35 am

I"m not having difficulty swallowing.  My center puts us on a very soft food diet before a soft food diet.  I haven't read about that particular one so I was just putting it out there in case I missed something.

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