46 days to go....

on 3/15/14 2:49 am - Orlando, FL

But hey who's counting right... Im scheduled to have a DS on April 30th.  Ive been on this journey for a little over 2 years now.  Things are finally starting to fall into place.  I just wish the days will go by quicker. I cant wait to pack my bags and start my pre op diet and do all the things necessary to prepare for surgery.  I find myself spending alot of time on this website reading all the success stories as well and the horror stories.  I pray all goes well with my surgery.  I am ready to face whatever it brings my way though. 

on 3/15/14 4:55 am - Orlando, FL

Awesome!!!  Thanks!!!!!


on 3/15/14 11:12 am
RNY on 03/18/14

YAY for having a concrete date! that  makes a difference with we who like to make plans.  hope it all goes well for yoU. and it sounds as though it will because you sound prepared and ready. 


    H/W: 312 S/W: 280 C/W: 196 Surgery date: 3/18/2014

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