Compression Clothing for workouts

Kim B.
on 1/10/14 1:01 pm - worthington, OH
RNY on 04/15/13

Hello all!

I've lost around 177lbs now, and getting the loose baggy skin in my thighs, stomach and arms.  Hasn't become an issue yet, but I also haven't been exercising, which I need to start doing.  What clothes do you find work best for working out in, that keep your skin from being irritated and bouncing all over the place?  I saw Old Navy has compression capris, but I didn't know how well they work (and if I'd want to go workout in something that tight for everyone to see).  Just curious what others are doing?

Thanks for the suggestions!

HW: 425lbs 11/2013, Pre-surgery 410.3lbs 4/15/2013
Find Me on Facebook name "Kim Wls Journey"

Lesley G.
on 1/11/14 7:19 am - Allegan, MI

I was in a similar boat -- started at 439, and needed good compression so I could exercise until I had my plastics done. I exercise nearly every day, and I even became a Zumba instructor before I had plastics done! :)

My thighs were a mess. I wore Champion compression shorts (knee length) and capris. They come in plus sizes and did a great job. They also helped with the panni flopping around (it was down to my knees).

Also, to support the panni, I used a compression garment and wore it backwards --sounds crazy but it worked. I wore Dr. Rey's.

I will admit that I didn't like wearing the compression shorts by themselves, especially once I started teaching Zumba, so I started wearing exercise skirts over them. They've become my trademark, so I still wear them now even though I'm all fixed up. I buy them from

For my arms, I wore Champion shirts with short sleeves, then moved on to Under Armour. Both did a good job keeping the arm skin under control. I also bought long-sleeve versions for cold weather.


Good luck with it! 

Kim B.
on 1/11/14 9:38 am - worthington, OH
RNY on 04/15/13

Thanks for the ideas.  I had in my closet a pair of champion knee length bicycle shorts.  Thy were a 3x and tight, I'm in a size 16 now, so going back to 3x really hit me hard.  I wore them and they worked, for the time being.  

HW: 425lbs 11/2013, Pre-surgery 410.3lbs 4/15/2013
Find Me on Facebook name "Kim Wls Journey"

Lesley G.
on 1/11/14 12:14 pm - Allegan, MI

Yeah, compression sizes don't really match up with normal clothing sizes. I know what you mean, though -- it does hurt seeing that 2X or 3X!

on 1/12/14 8:59 am
RNY on 05/13/13

I wear C9, Puma and Nike workout gear and they are all very close fitting. I do not buy semi fitted or loose fit workout gear. I run in as tight a running bra as I can get into and my base layer is ALWAYS a snug one, but my running jacket is a bit looser, but not 'loose'. Buy the right kind of base for the time of year. I wear clothing designed for cold weather now when I am outside and I do not when I work out inside and won't when the weather warms up. 

Buying the right apparel makes a HUGE difference!

I started with the Zen Labs C25K program (free) and am now using the lolo Jeff Galloway 13.1 training program (paid) and man alive, they are both FABULOUS! 


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




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