
on 12/10/13 12:23 am
VSG on 11/22/13

I'm starting to wonder if I'm suffering from dehydration. I'm 18 days post-op Gastric Sleeve. I used to drink 80-100oz of water a day pre-surgery.  Yesterday morning I woke to my body screaming for water.  I downed 4 or 5 oz of water in about 30 minutes to an hour and then was nauseous from so much water in my stomach. As room permitted, I kept sipping water all morning. By about 1 I figured I needed to get something else in and drank 7 or 8 oz of protein shake. Once I could fit more, I sipped on water all afternoon. Around 7pm I was able to get my vitamins in and then I ate about 1/2 container of those little sugar free pudding cups. Continued to sip on water after.  This morning I was thirsty, but not as bad.  I only got maybe 1 or 2 oz of water in before I started feeling nauseous. I've coughed a couple times this morning and thought I was going to throw up.  I've been trying to sip more water, but my stomach is upset.  A little bit ago I started getting severe cotton mouth like I did at the hospital after not drinking since the night before surgery and waiting until the following day before my leak test.  Then I started noticing other things. I didn't go pee much yesterday. It wasn't necessarily darker, but I rarely went.  Also, I was dizzy & light headed yesterday every time I stood up. I had to stand, hold on to something and wait for the dizziness & black-out kind of waves to pass before I continued walking.  I've also been having back pain for the last week or so. I don't know how to get "enough" in. I do have both powerade zero & propel water I can take, but I don't know if it is better to drink straigh****er as much as I can or use one of these other items or something else. 

Member Services
on 12/10/13 12:46 am - Irvine, CA

Please give your surgeon's office a call and advise them of what you are going through...

Keep us posted!

Happy Holidays,

Member Services

on 12/10/13 12:49 am

One good way to check your hydration level is to pinch the skin on the back of your hand. It should go back to normal as soon as you let go. If it stays pinched up, even for an instant, you need more fluids.

At this point, you well may been to go to the ER for some intravenous fluids to get you back on track. Being dehydrated can make you nauseous, feel like you don't want to eat or drink, etc.


Valerie G.
on 12/13/13 7:09 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

It does kind of sound like dehydration.  I recommend a call to the doc.  They may recommend coming in for an IV

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