Sudden Weight Gain after 6 years!!!

on 9/18/13 2:53 am - West Allis, WI

OK, I had my RNY 6 years ago, and recently within the last 2-3 months I have started to pack on a few unwanted pounds very suddenly. Like 15-20 lbs in less than 3 months and seeing weird weight fluctuations of up to 10 lbs in a given week!  I did very well at maintaining my weight for 6 years and I have not changed much other than my exerices which is much more now than it has been in years.  I went back on my protein drinks, eating more protein and watching my calories, while also starting up a new exercise program - Insanity if anyone has heard of it.  I have also gone off of my birth control recently as my husband and I are trying to start a family.  Is anyone else experiencing this? I am trying to go back to the basics, but man I don't know where this is coming from!
I have an appointment with my doctor and hopefully will gain some insight there.  The weight gain just doesn't seem normal or possible (no not pregnant yet).  Assuming some of this could be from the birth control but does this go away?

Any one else experiencing this??  I am really freaking out right now. Any help is appreciated!

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on 9/18/13 3:10 am - Irvine, CA


We are sorry to hear all you are going through.  When you meet with your doctor be sure and have them check for any medically reasons for the weight gain.  Kudos for getting back to basics that worked before but yes it can be hard.  Check out the group Back On Track Together and the members there will be a great help  

on 9/18/13 4:29 am

I have heard of this and my thought is if you know you have not consumed the extra calories then it must be something other then what you are eating.  I did do the math and unless I am wrong, which I frequently am, in order to gain 15 lbs in 3 months you would need to eat about 583 extra calories a day over what your body needs to maintain.  I imagine that is possible and maybe even easy to do.  I would track every bite I ate for a week and make sure I am eating what I think I am.  It is very easy for a bite here and a taste there to add up.  If you are eating the amount you need to maintain your normal weight then it's time to go to the doctor's for some lab work to see what else could be going on.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 9/18/13 4:34 am - lakeside, CA

Hi Melissa.

Feel free to come join the Back On Track Together group. ion/


Very friendly and helpful people, I know it's been a really good group to get me back to basics.

Some people post daily and others just check in and "lurk" regularly.  Do whatever works best for you.


Good luck.




on 9/18/13 5:10 am - Cibolo, TX

I am 9 years+ out now, but I wanted to share that my regain started at 6 years post-op, also.  I stayed in denial of my regain for almost a year and half, however, so I want to commend you for nipping it in the bud right away.  I ended up gaining around 60-70 lbs.  I finally lost the majority of mine (all but 3 or 4 lbs) and I'm smaller than I was before the regain, size wise.  I am still exercising (currently doing ChaLean Extreme) and logging with MyFitnessPal. 

I had both kiddos post-op, as well, so I wish you best luck on starting your family :)

~ Renae

~*Renae*~ Open RNY 8/3/04 **  (rockmyskinnyjeans on MFP)
Post-op Mommy x 2 (Krysten 12/1/05 Tyson 10/3/08) 334/303/136/135

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on 9/18/13 10:35 am - West Allis, WI


Thank you for your rely! Your story gives me some hope :) I am really struggling with this and frankly it terrifies me.  I was 5-10 lbs from my goal weight and to be headed in the wrong direction scares me.  It is great to know someone else was able to get back to it and loose the weight especially after 2 children! It seems easy to loose hope at times.

Thank you!


on 9/22/13 3:56 am

HI I am 6+ yrs P O .. I have had a 5 lb regain and 5 lb loss on and off for that last 2 years..I am doing the same exercises, I do drink while eating, When i get that 5 lb regain I change the carbs i eat. I stay away from bread, all breads no muffins no pancakes, no sugar, no donuts. no flour of any kind and espically rice of any kind. Yes i have had some since wls...I have never counted calories, I watch my fat grams for a 24 hr. period.. I stay within 30 to 35 grams per day to lose my weight again, its been working for me ..I have heard of the birth control thing that causes weight gain, but i personally don't believe that.. maybe your eating habits were different then compared to now?.. glad to hear your taking notice and trying to get a grip of this weight only takes me a 5 lb. regain to wake me up..I weigh myself 2 X daily to keep myself in check and i believe that works as well... good luck. PeaceV Wendy

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on 9/22/13 5:32 am
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These Carbs Are Actually Good for You!


These carbs are the best for your body.These carbs are the best for your body.While carbs tend to get a lot of bad press (think the Atkins diet), they are an essential part of any diet if you expect to have energy and function at an optimal level. "Your body definitely needs carbs," says nutritionist Kelly Aronica, who believes that they should make up at least 50-60% of the calories you consume daily. Why? Because glucose, the simplest type of carbohydrate, is the only thing that can be used to meet the energy needs of the body, support the brain and nervous system, and maintain a well-functioning digestive system.

RELATED: How Carbs Can Help You Lose Weight

Though the body has a backup plan if no carbohydrates are eaten, it's not perfect (hence why it's meant as a backup plan). As Aronica explains it, if there's a lack of carbohydrates, the body essentially converts protein and fat into glucose, which is what the body converts into fuel so we have energy. The problem is that this system is less efficient and slower than just consuming carbohydrates and, depending on your sensitivity level, it often leads to low energy and light-headedness. But that's not the only reason to eat carbs.

As Aronica puts it, carbs are also needed because their presence lets the body know to release insulin, which is necessary to use the glucose to build muscle, energy storage, and even fat (if you have excess glucose). Now if the mention of fat made you start to believe all those anti-carb rants, then you need to remember that there's a big difference between carbs that provide fiber, nutrients, and vitamins and ones that only supply sugar. Don't believe us? Aronica points out that a recent study from the New England Journal of Medicine "showed that eating refined potato products, sweetened drinks, sweets and desserts, fruit juice, and other refined grains were linked to weight gain where high-fiber carbs were linked to long term weight loss." So instead of banishing carbs from your diet, be more particular about the ones you eat.

RELATED: 7 Satisfying Low-Carb Recipes

Avoid refined carbohydrates (like white bread) and opt for the carbs that have high-fiber levels and a bounty of nutrients and vitamins, like folate and heart healthy omega-3's. While most of the fibers in food aren't actually digestible, they provide a lot of other important health benefits to keep you operating at your best and are a necessary part of any diet. To help you make better choices, we put together a list of the carbs that are best for your body.

RELATED: 8 Most Pointless Carbs

Carbs with Lots of Folate

Lentils, 1 cup Cooked: 1 cup, 358 milligrams Folate

Beets, Cooked, 1 cup: 136 milligrams Folate

Brussels Sprouts, Cooked: 1 cup, 157 milligrams Folate

Black-eyed Peas: 1 cup, canned, 358 milligrams Folate

Chickpeas, Cooked: 1 cup, 282 milligrams Folate

Okra, Cooked: 1 cup, 269 milligrams Folate

Carbs High in Protein

Buckwheat Flour: 1 cup, 15.14 grams protein

Rice, Long-Grain, Dry: 1 cup, 15.00 grams protein

Soybeans, Boiled: 1 cup, 28.62 grams protein

Couscous, Dry: 1 cup, 22.07 grams protein

White Beans, Canned: 1 cup, 19.02 grams protein

Black Beans, Cooked: 1 cup, 15.24 grams protein

Carbs High in Vitamin C

Peaches: 1 cup, 235.5 milligrams Vitamin C

Red Peppers, Cooked: 1 cup, 232.6 milligrams Vitamin C

1 Papaya: 187.9 milligrams Vitamin C

Grape Juice, 6-fluid-ounce can: 179.5 milligrams Vitamin C

Brussels Sprouts: 1 cup, 96.7 milligrams Vitamin C

Peas, Cooked: 1 cup, 76.6 milligrams Vitamin C

RELATED: 20 Most 'Liked' Fast-Food Brands on Facebook

Carbs High in Iron

Soybeans: 1 cup, 8.84 milligrams Iron

Cream of Wheat Cereal: 1 packet cooked, 8.09 milligrams Iron

Lentils, Cooked: 1 cup, 6.59 milligrams Iron

Spinach, Cooked: 1 cup, 6.43 milligrams Iron

RELATED: What the Stars Eat Between Takes

Carbs High in Potassium

Tomatoes, Canned: 1 cup, 2657 milligrams Potassium

Beet Geens, Cooked: 1 cup, 1309 milligrams Potassium

White Beans, Canned: 1 cup, 1189 milligrams Potassium

Dates: 1 cup, 1168 milligrams Potassium

Raisins, Seedless: 1 cup, 1086 milligrams Potassium

Potatoes: 1 potato baked, with skin, 1081 milligrams Potassium

Lima Beans, Cooked: 1 cup, 955 milligrams Potassium

Plantain, Raw: 1 medium plantain, 893 milligrams Potassium

Click here to see more carbs that are actually good for you

-Yasmin Fahr, The Daily Meal

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