Back To Bariatrics Basics! Had my Dr. Appt!!

on 7/30/13 6:43 am - Butler, PA

Ok, so..  I just got home from my appointment with Dr. Giselle Hamad and her PA... they both seem like very nice, very competent people, and really listened to me!

First... I was told in no uncertain terms... no more latte's until I reach my goal.  That is going to be extremely difficult for me... I'm addicted, but with help... I'll do my best!!cool

Second.. I have to stop taking the occassional (that was becoming more frequent) Ibuprofen.  OUCH.. My back, knees and legs are already hurting more! .

I was referred for Nutritional counseling.. and I'm looking forward to it!  

The thing I REALLY liked about the Dr was that she said.. "One step at a time" and didn't immediately jump to revision surgery!  Gonna try it this way first and that is OK by me!!  

I also got orders for blood work, and I was told that my/our vitamin regimen was right on point!  Yeah!!  

Then.. on my way home, I stopped for my LAST latte... and sipped it to oblivion.. also had a brownie, which is NOT good for me and which I am now paying for in spades, but.... no more.  It was kind of a last hurrah!  Now the Dr will be monitoring me, so I HAVE to be good.  I think this is JUST what I needed!!!! 


Blanche Jackson    352/314/258.6/180  



on 7/31/13 5:32 am - Canada

Hi Blanche

I am having a revision done on August 16/13 because of pain when I eat. I have lost 150 lbs and kept it off so far probably because it hurts to eat. I have tried lots of suggestions and to date I can eat breakfast and the other two meals are mainly fluids. I am off work at the moment because of very low energy and pain. I think the Toradol they gave me for kidney stones caused most of my difficulty plus \i had a couple internal hernias that were repaired without any complications.
















on 7/31/13 8:41 am - Butler, PA

Wow.. First... YEAH that you kept it off!  Now.. it sounds as though you have a restriction?  Maybe your stoma has an issue?

Either way, I hope they can find and fix whatever is the problem for you!  I don't have ANY problem eating... sometimes wish I did! 

Blanche Jackson    352/314/258.6/180  



on 7/31/13 12:03 pm - Canada

I have developed a hiatal hernia which is causing a restriction and " candy cane syndrome " . I am hopeful that the revision will help make things better. Prior to these recent events the only thing was removal of gall bladder. Keep me posted on your progress.



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