Day 7 of ""Back to Bariatrics Basics"

on 7/18/13 12:46 am - Butler, PA

Wow.. 7 days and I am going strong. I'm not finding it as hard as I thought I would although I have been tempted at times, I'm making it work!  I still haven't gotten into an exercise groove yet, but one step at a time! I'll get there. I'm excited to get on the scale tomorrow to see how I've done!  The only "off plan" things I have had are f/f, s/f lattes and some nut and fruit turtles my daughter made (dark choc covered)  I have had 3 this week.  All when I visited her house.  She offered to make me a batch to keep in the freezer, but I know that if I have them in the house, I will eat them!!  So no...  lol   They are 107 calories each and I made them fit in my plan.

I ordered a whole bunch more protein powders via they should be here today.  I have ALWAYS had a protein shake for breakfast each morning.. I am just not a breakfast person so eating is out... makes me nauseaus... but starting the day with a shake, then a snack a couple hours later works form me.  Just got more of the same and a few samples to mix things up a bit!  Also got some Click and some PB2...     Hope you all are doing well too!!!

Blanche Jackson    352/314/258.6/180  



on 7/18/13 2:18 am

Keep up the good work.  It sounds like you are doing great. 

Did your Doc have you on protein powder? Or is that just what you have for breakfast?  Just wondering.

on 7/19/13 12:29 pm - Butler, PA

Pickles123../ My dr did have me on protein shakes.. before, and then after surgery.  I could have stopped using them after a certain point, but I like them, and they have become a part of my morning!  I did find that the protein I used before surgery I could no longer use after because my tastes changed! After surgery, the protein that I had LOVED prior to surgery tasted horrible to me! LOL



Blanche Jackson    352/314/258.6/180  



on 7/18/13 2:41 am

Awesome Blanche! Keep your head in the game, you'll make it! Let us know tomorrow what the scale says.

on 7/18/13 5:49 am - Enid, OK
What exactly is the back to basics that you are talking about?
on 7/18/13 11:00 pm - Butler, PA

I had allowed my eating habits to return to nearly what they were before surgery!! Sooo.. I'm back to basics!!!   AND  I lost 4.6 lbs this week!!!!!

Blanche Jackson    352/314/258.6/180  



on 7/18/13 11:23 pm - Brighton, IL

Congratulations on your weight loss this week! You are back on track for sure.



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on 7/19/13 2:03 am - Irvine, CA

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