OT- Opinions wanted

on 6/19/13 7:47 am

Hi All!   Getting different opinions and figured I would post here to see what I can get.

We all know jobs are hard to come across these days.  Well I have friend who has been at her job for the last 7 years. She is unhappy and miserable at this job.  She drives 45 mins to work and 45 mins back home and there have been many changes (many are ridiculous),she is unappreciated, no room for advancement etc... She is one of the top workers in her department, knows they process like the back of her hand.  Well another girl in her department was promoted to lead.  She is even more unhappy because the girl calls out a bit, did the least amount of work out of the department, and she doesnt know how to do everything and she is letting it go to her head. 

My friend is seriously thinking about quitting and going to work at a temp agency, temp- hire.  Her benefits are not good at all so she says that's not an issue.  She gets headaches on a daily basis and her doctor says it is stress from the job.  She is getting backlash from people(family, friends, etc).

Do you think she would be crazy to quit and work temporary to hire?

on 6/19/13 10:12 am - FL

A short few months ago, I was in a very similar situation and, in fact, ended up, after 10 years, walking out on my job.

I held a very esteemed position in the company, made pretty good money, but was working for some real a-holes that I had lost all respect for.

After I walked, I heard all sorts of crap, and it really is crap, about how hard it would be for me to find a job, especially since I would likely not be able to use my company as a reference, and that my age was against me, so let me tell you what I have found out.

What I found out is that 58 years old is not too old to get a good job.  I found out that walking out on a job after 10 years was not a big deal because the fact that I had 10 years on the job spoke for itself. And I learned that having confidence in myself, even if I had to fake it, was my number one selling feature.  

I now live in rural Alabama, tossed out maybe a dozen semi-serious resumes, got two calls for interviews, and was offered both jobs.  In the scheme of things, I'm now making more money than I was at my old job because the cost of living here is so much less, and now I also love what I'm doing.

My biggest regret at this point is that I did not walk sooner.  However, I think many of us get into the stinking thinking that nobody else will want us, so we stay in bad situations as a result.

I was overhearing a conversation between my new boss and a vendor yesterday, and the vendor was telling my boss how sharp I am, and my bosses response was to say. "oh we know that, and I cannot tell you how fortunate we are to have her..."  They are actually happy to have me, and they also appreciate my wisdom and talents even though I'm hardly a spring chicken.

I was also unemployed less than 8 weeks, and the reason for that was based upon the fact that I moved from Florida to Alabama and took the time I wanted to settle in before I actually got off my backside and began even looking for a job.

So, here is my opinion based upon my experience.  Age is not a factor when looking for a job, attitude is.  And, there are jobs out there.  Just step out with courage and  believe in yourself and your abilities and let that shine through, and you'll land a job.

Also, don't assume you won't get unemployment either.  In spite of the fact that I walked from my job, I applied for unemployment because I felt I had good cause to leave my job, and though I had to go through the unemployment appeal process, which was a piece of cake, I won my case.  I got unemployment.  Again, I think I won because of sincerity, heart, and attitude.

I felt I was right, and even if I had not won the case, I still fought it because I believe in standing up for myself no matter what the odds.   I spent too many years being walked on, and it just isn't going to happen anymore as long as I have the energy to fight the fight.  

While I would never encourage anyone to leave their job, I would encourage them not to stay anywhere, including a job, based upon fear...

Wishing your friend the best!!!!


Oxford Comma Hag
on 6/19/13 11:39 am
^^^ this. A lot of ****ty employers will try to make you think no one else will want you. That's bull.

I fight badgers with spoons.

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H.A.L.A B.
on 6/19/13 9:18 pm
She can always blamed the driving for reason to . 45 min x 2 on a good day means 1.5-2 hrs driving daily.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 6/20/13 12:23 am

Why would she be crazy? What is there to like about her current job?

on 6/20/13 12:53 am

That is what I said.   They work with her school schedule (she has to leave early on Wed) and that is the only good thing.  She also has a trip paid for that is in October.  Those two things are the only two things that is making her second guess herself.  A new place not working with her schedule or allowing the time off in October.

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