* Little by Little* Monthly Newsletter for March 2013

Tammy H.
on 3/15/13 12:27 am - Greenville, OH

Little by Little* Newsletter for March, 2013


I look into the mirror

And don't know whom I see

I look into the mirror

My God, that can't be me

I look into the mirror

And say it's time to start

I look into the mirror

The old me has to part

I look into the mirror

I seem a little thinner

I look into the mirror

It's worth eating less for dinner

I look into the mirror

I'm starting to see success

I look into the mirror

I weigh a lot less

I look into the mirror

Could it be the proof

That I have actually found

The underlying truth

That the mirror wasn't just

A shiny piece of glass

That the image in the mirror

Was a picture of my past

That the mirror I really need

Is made of something else

The only mirror I need to see

Is the mirror inside myself


Do not skip meals in an attempt to lose weight. Skipping meals only leads to being hungrier and sets you up for overeating at the next meal...Don't forget to plan healthy snacks in between your meal times....Fix up a tray of veggies to put in the fridge for easy access.
Set realistic goals. People often set unrealistic goals which set them up for guilt when they do not achieve them...Aiming to lose 1 pound per week is realistic – look at this as great progress!...

Most people under-estimate the number of calories they consume so make sure you read the labels, and make use out of your measuring cups/spoons.

Post motivational signs around your house that will help you stay on track such as on your bathroom mirror or refrigerator. Remember to keep them positive such as: I will treat my body well by feeding it plenty of fruits and vegetables or let’s go outside and enjoy a walk today...or a note saying call a * Little by Little* friend and let them know that you need encouragement.

Watch what you sip! Alcohol has calories too and many drinks really pack a sweetened punch. Choose wisely by avoiding blended fruity drinks. Did you know that a blended margarita can easily top 600 calories and a Mai Tai, 500 calories?
Long Island Iced Tea – what do you get when you mix five different kinds of liquors with sweet and sour and soda? A calorie count comparable to a Big Mac! Calorie count: 700.

"I think putting your favorite foods off limits leads to weight gain because it triggers 'rebound' overeating,"...Do you believe this is true?? Do you feel that you can enjoy some of your favorite foods if done in moderation?

Instead of cutting out your favorite foods altogether, be a slim shopper. Buy one fresh bakery cookie instead of a box, or a small portion of candy from the bulk bins instead of a whole bag...When you make meals such as chicken & noodles, scalloped potatoes, casseroles, use smaller pots/ baking dishes...Then take out ONE PORTION size and give the rest to a friend, neighbor, or someone in need, or freeze for another meal.


Listen up folks, I have an idea...And no Marlene, its nothing Dangerous...HAHA!!!...

How about if we start challenging each other to do certain things in order to help us to eat healthier & lose weight? Here's some ideas: Each week pick out one person or several from our group...Call them up and challenge them to do certain things that will help each of you...Such as: Challenge them to make out a menu for the week and only fix what is on that menu...Or challenge them to not eat any breads, crackers, pasta, potatoes for the week...Or challenge them to take a 5-10 minute walk in the morning, a 5-10 minute walk in the afternoon and a 5-10 minute walk in the evening...Or perhaps challenge them to eat only raw veggies and a small apple for all snacks for the week...Or No fried foods, only bake, boil or broil all foods...Or challenge them to get together to try a new recipe...Then the following week, the other person can select a recipe and supply the food...Or challenge someone to write 3 notes to someone in our group via postal mail, or email to encourage and show your support to them...Challenge them to get together once that week to exercise together, whether it be a walk or some simple chair exercises...Challenge them to write down everything they eat and drink for the week, then you swap list and tell each other how they could make changes to better help themselves...If you don't want to do a weekly challenge, then do a monthly one, or twice a month...You make all the guidelines to suit those involved...Making challenges will not only help the other person but you as well...I think this would be a fun way to get to know each other better...Is anyone up to do this? So put on your thinking cap and lets start challenging each other...Make a goal to eventually challenge EVERYONE in our group...If you need any help with starting a challenge, don't hesitate to call me...



Skip the crackers and serve cheese with fruit instead. Cheese is full of calcium and protein, and the fruit helps bring out its flavor.


Make up your snacks ahead of time, have them available for when you want something quick...We tend to grab junk food instead of taking the time to fix something...So if it's fixed ahead of time, that will illuminate extra calories that we don't need.


If you are going away for the day, perhaps to visit a friend, shopping, out for a long drive, be sure to plan ahead for your snacks...It doesn't take long to toss a few snack items such as: apples, grapes, string cheese, sliced turkey or chicken, sugar free jello or pudding cups, low fat cottage cheese cups, your favorite yogurt, along with bottled water into a small cooler...(Make sure to take a spoon along)...Even when I drive to Dayton for an appointment I will do this because otherwise I find myself stopping at gas stations to buy junk to nibble on...If you want to take some wheat thin crackers for a snack, put a portion size into a zip lock baggie, and don't take the entire box.


Do you know how many CALORIES are in your child's/grandchild's Easter baskets??? Just because they are kids doesn't mean that they need a basket full of chocolate and unhealthy food...Put in just one of their favorite candy bars, or one chocolate bunny...Then add other things such as: sugar free candy, sugar free packs of gum, fill plastic eggs with sunflower seeds, or mixed nuts...Could also put money into the eggs, as I don't know any child that doesn't like money...Dried fruit, or fresh fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges, plums is a good choice...Ink pens along with colorful note pads, coloring books, story books, puzzle books, bubbles, playing cards, IOU one night at the movies of your choice coupon, can be added to their baskets.


Make sure to keep in touch with your * Little by Little* friends during the holidays...Let them know that you care...Hand out encouraging words and support ...NOT... jelly beans or chocolate bunnies...


For each petal on the shamrock...This brings a wish your way...

Good health, good luck & happiness...For today and every day!

A best friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and

lucky to have!!!


If anyone is interested in giving a discussion some meeting, a food demonstration, or even some helpful food tips, be sure to let Marlene or myself know...Also, if you have any program ideas, activities that you would like to see our group do, email them to me, or give me a call...If you would like to submit a recipe, diet tips, a poem, or anything else to the Newsletter, that would be great...

In closing...You can do it, I know you can...As I'm one of your biggest fans....
One more thing I'd like to say... Enjoy your journey - day by day.

Stay focused...Think Positive...Tammy



Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

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