Stressed Completly out & depressed

on 1/22/13 5:20 am - LA

Hello All, 

I had surgery on Dec. 26. 2012, everything went great not much pain at all, well when I got home anyway it was bearable only took pain meds one day. I started off at 403 I went to see my surgeon on 01/07/2012 and was told I lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks. Great for me yay I guess. Its like I got this tool to help better my self but to me seems like nothing is working for me. I know I just had surgery not even an month ago, but to jump on the scale today and all is gone is just 4 freaking pounds in 2 weeks, make me want to just sit and cry harder. I wanted this surgery to better my life and live it to the fullest. This is hard I don't really know what I'm doing wrong, I eat what I supposed to I guess anyway I don't eat any junk food sweets or any of that. I don't want to seem like I need help advice, log on sometimes and try to get different food tips but it makes me so jealous seeing all of you wonderful good looking people and I'm still the same ole way. Tears in my eyes as I type this, I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for me just someone can relate or just give me some advice. I hope I don't sound so stupid but I'm lost I really am no one to turn to for support who would understand me and what I'm going through mentally. I want to be healthy this is the reason i decided to make this life change, I want to be a better mother, wife, friend but how can I if nothing is working for me. Whats next........


on 1/22/13 5:35 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

Deep breath. another. Now, just know that hormones are stored in fat. as we break down the fat those hormones are released into our blood streams. this can make you have every one of the emotions you are having and then some. it will pass,just roll with it.


the weight? 7.5 # a week? very good. I wish I could lose 7.5 # a week so add those to the 15 you had lost  totals 19 #in three weeks., or 6.33 a week. what were you expecting? 100 a week? Really? you make me laugh,lol.    :) :) :)


What is a typical day of food look like for you? are you getting 60-80 gms of lean dense protein? 64+ oz of sf liquid? 30 or less carbs a day? Give us some more info and we will see how we can help you tweak things. 


Hang in there,k? cause what else can you do but make it work. we got your back.




on 1/22/13 5:48 am - LA

That was so nice of you hollykim to take the time out and listen to my cry, really made me smile a whole lot. For break today I had a Protein Shake 15g no snack no lunch either. Reason is because I'm not hungry and I don't want to eat when I don't feel the urge. I know it may sound stupid but I'm just being honest. Now for Dinner I will have baked Talipia with some mixed vegetables. I don't get in much liquids like I should at all, I was never a big drinker just eater. And thats my food and water intake so far today, which means its not a whole lot.

on 1/22/13 6:05 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

Ok this is part of your problem. did you have the VSG? can't remember. if you did have the VSG you may never feel hungry again. this means that if you don't eat by the clock you are going to starve to death. even with the Tilapia for dinner you are prob only getting 30 gm of protein,if that. Totally not enough.


Most importantly,if you don't give your body plenty of protein,you body is going to start breaking down your internal muscles,your hear lungs,kidneys and muscles to get the protein you need. You must eat. you need to be working toward 80-100 gms of protein a day.


Drinking lots of fluid helps break down and wash out the fat. Maybe you weren't a big drinker before,but,baby you are now! You need to have a or something in your hand sipping the whole time you are not eating and start sipping again 30 min after eating.


Not eating when you don't have the urge is not stupid but it is old school,old diet mentality. the newest research says that eating sma;ll meals 6 times a day keeps our metabolism running high so we burn more fat. Certainly you don't want to be eating the crap you used to eat,but dense,fresh homemade protein? Oh hell to the yes!


There are tracking sites like just to name one where you log all your food and drink for the day so you know where you are doing good and where you need to do better. There is actually a health tracker on this site. Go to your profile and up by your avatar place there will be an icon for it.


Even if you only eat 5 protein shakes a day right now you have to get those in and I feel sure your weight loss will pick up.


Just so you know and not be suprised and disappointed,many ppl have a
"stall' or weight slow down at 3 weeks out and again anytime your body needs to rest.


So you got some shakes with you now? get busy! :) no? get busy when you get home you should be able to get three in plus dinner. keep me posted!




on 1/22/13 6:21 am - LA

Holly, you have really made my day. I feel so much better after reading your responses, and it actually make sense like nothing was before. I have a protein shake in my hand and I'm getting it in. Thanks for you advise and support. YOU ROCK!!!!

on 1/22/13 6:48 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

Oh (blushing) thanks. you are going to rock your sleeve too!  you got this!




on 1/22/13 5:59 am - Jacksonville , FL
RNY on 04/08/13


You've lost 19 pounds in a little over 3 weeks!  That's a great start!  It's probably just the hormones going crazy after surgery that are making you feel down.  Hang in there, keep doing what you're doing, and you'll see progress.  Be proud of yourself for taking this great step toward a new life!

on 1/22/13 6:04 am, edited 1/22/13 6:04 am - Jacksonville , FL
RNY on 04/08/13

Honey, it sounds like you're not eating enough and that can put your body into "starvation mode" where it clings to every fat cell in desperation.

I'll defer to some of the vets here to give you advice on your eating, but didn't your doc give you guidelines as to what to eat?  I know I've seen some people post that they have to eat by the clock to make sure they get in proper nutrition and fluids becaquse they just don't feel hungry.  That's probably another reason why you're feeling miserable.

Good luck, sweetie!


on 1/22/13 6:18 am - LA

Thanks for responding to me, yes my Dr. gave me a list of things I can eat. I try to get in as much as I can but as I said in my first message if I dont feel hungry I wont eat. I guess you're so right not eating is not helping me and more than likely making me feel really miserable.

on 1/22/13 6:06 am
RNY on 01/29/13

Hi Monique, I'm sorry you're feeling so down.  You must force yourself to eat three regular meals, even if you are not hungry.  If we don't force ourselves to eat or skip meals, our bodies switch into "famine" gear and metabolism slows waaay down.  All that happens if we skip meals is we stop losing weight and get really tired.  Even if it is just liquid protein, we must eat to regulate our metabolism.

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