on 12/27/12 9:54 pm - MD

I am just about 3 years out from RNY and was wondering about drinking with a straw.  Was anyone told that they should not use them? 

Susan Hayes
Mary Catherine
on 12/27/12 10:25 pm

Before surgery, I was in a class where one of the exercises was to write a list of things we would miss the most and straws was on my list.  Once in a while, I still use one but only in a restaurant when they bring one with my water.  I don't have them in the house and found out I don't miss them.  Some people have problems with straws, if they don't give you any problems, there is no reason to not use them, especially after the first few months.

on 12/28/12 12:09 am

I haven't had my surgery yet - but the notebook they gave me with everything that will happen before and after surgery suggests not using a straw because you actually get to much air using them ..though I am not to sure why. Of course, I am not sure if they mean years out from the surgery and you still cant use them or just a few months after.

Good question though thank you...I will add it to my list of questions to ask!

on 12/28/12 12:54 am - London, United Kingdom
DS on 07/24/12

Oh the great straw debate - I'm more informed in the sleeve world and can't advise if there's a correct RNY answer, BUT I was given a straw in hospital when recovering from being sleeved so IMO you should do what feels right to you (ie if you feel it makes you swallow air then don't use one).

BTW I can't really think of a time I've used a straw since I sleeved a little 2 years ago

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on 12/28/12 1:04 am - Brighton, IL

My doctor says that if it doesn't cause you discomfort to use one it is fine.



Kim S.
on 12/28/12 4:40 am - Helena, AL

I was given one at the hospital.  I use one every day.  No issues.



on 12/28/12 4:51 am

I don't really like them, but see no reason not to use them.  I guess some people might take in more air, therefore more gas, burping etc.  I would try it (especially at 3 years out) and see if it affects you.

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on 12/28/12 7:48 am - FL

I use straws all the time and have never had a problem.

Give it a try and if it makes your burpy or gassy, don't continue to use it in the future.

on 12/28/12 9:32 am - CA

I have to agree. I personally cannot use straws, but a lot of my RNY friends can...try it to see if it works for you. It won't take but one try know!



on 12/30/12 1:35 am - Jordan, NY
RNY on 12/20/12

I didn't even realize straws were an issue!  My doctor's instructions said to not use them for the first week, but nothing is mentioned after.  I had RNY on December 20, and have been using my straw after the first week.  I am getting all of my fluids just fine, and I prefer to drink my SF kool-aid out of a mug that holds about 62 ounces.  If this is wrong, I'd like to hear it!  :-)

RNY on 12/20/12 at 307.  Highest ever 326 pounds.  Goal weight 180 pounds.


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