B-12 - sublingual or patch?

on 12/19/12 6:31 am

Does the B-12 patch work? Has anyone used it? How does it compare to the sublingual?


on 12/19/12 8:52 am
RNY on 11/06/12

I don't have info on the patch, but my doctor has me on the once a month B-12 shot. It's quick, easy, and I set a reminder in my phone.



on 12/19/12 8:24 pm - OH

It didn't work for me.  My B12 dropped a lot while using the patch.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 12/20/12 12:12 am - Eugene, OR

I give myself a B12 injection each month.  Pretty easy to do - they taught me in the hospital - and it's not very expensive either.  

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 12/20/12 2:18 am - London, United Kingdom
DS on 07/24/12

I've only tried the Superior Source Sublingual B12 and my levels were super high in my last labs.  It melts instantly and is absorbed in the mouth and therefore bypasses our altered anatomy (like sugar does).

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If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell 
View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.comSleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium

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