finally 50 lbs

loretta cowels
on 7/6/12 1:51 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
well im less then three months out and down 50 lbs this is the least ive weighed in as long as i can remember but i still am not happy about the clothes size . I really want to fit into smaller sizes. Theres a big diffrence in me i can tell im doing alot more and am trying really hard to stay active. Been a very stressfull time my baby brother has surgery today hes only 20. A guy at work ran his foot over with a fork lift. He has to have his toe cut off he has three broken bones in his foot and all his toes were broke and one toe died. And my daughters best friend was in a car accident on the fourth leaving my sisters party no drinking a old lady hit them the babies are ok but she has a broken ankle and he broke his knee. So many things to stress about but am learning not to turn to food. thanks for reading just needed to talk loretta
Nicholas B.
on 7/6/12 2:38 am
RNY on 07/02/12
Keep up the good work, Loretta!! You can do it!!
on 7/6/12 7:19 am - TX
RNY on 07/02/12
congratulations! im just starting out, so not nearly close to that kind of reduction, but i cant wait to get to smaller clothes either!! im trying to approach it like this.. any size down IS smaller clothes.. those tag numbers will get smaller before you know it!
on 7/6/12 10:35 pm
 CONGRATULATIONS!  50 lbs in 3 months is fantastic!  When have you ever done that before?

Don't worry the clothes are going to get smaller!  This is a marathon not a sprint!  You WILL have stalls, they are totally normal and we all freak out and think we're done losing weight!  You won't be trust me.  I had a year long stall then started dropping weight again, a lot of weight (from a 16 to a 4) I thought I was done and I wasn't until about 2 years postop.  

Keep on truckin and doing exactly what you have been and the weight will come off.

Congrats again!  Job well done!

on 7/8/12 1:04 am - MO
RNY on 04/24/12
I, too am less than 3 months post RNY, and down 55 pounds.  The weight lost was incredibly fast at first, but now has really slowed down. My clothes are getting "sloppy big", but when I went shopping, I was disspointed in the size I require.  I wonder how much weight loss can be expected each week.....I hope your brother heals quickly,  Good Luck.
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