How is everyone else doin'?

on 6/22/12 2:53 pm - New Bedford, MA

I am still recovering from my lengthy hospital stay and it is slow and difficult. This pic made me smile, so I thought I would share it with you. Hope all is well.  (at least better than this poor chicken. LOL!)  

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

(deactivated member)
on 6/22/12 8:30 pm - GA
LOL  that chicken look like it got caught in a fight with a cat. 
  my week was OK,  except for having gone to dentist, always gets me when they cram something in your mouth.. and keep pressing till you scream, by saying almost got it.. Why some assistants just can not do xrays without inflicting pain.  hope visit next week is less eventful.  other than that minor vent, all is going good and better than the chicken. LOL
on 6/22/12 10:05 pm
 Terrible week here, thanks for lifting my spirits with this pic.  Feeling kinda down today.

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