Xpost - Simple Computer Reminder to Drink

on 4/25/12 8:57 am - Zebulon, NC
RNY on 01/18/12 with
I posted about this as a response to another poster and it was suggested that I share it with everyone on my board and this one. So here goes...

If you spend most of your day at a computer and need a reminder to drink your liquids, this may be for you. 

I didn't like calendar reminders because they clutter my calendar and are a pain to set up. So I put my computer scripting skills to work to write a short, simple script (program) to run on my computer to remind me to drink. 

This is for Windows computers only. 

Here is a link to download the script. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9083167/DrinkReminder.vbs All you have to do is download it and click on it to make it start running on your computer. This is what the pop up reminder looks like.

If you are uncomfortable downloading a script written by someone else, please follow the instructions below to create the script yourself. (See pic of what it should look like.)

Open Notepad on your computer. You will usually find notepad under Accessories on the Start Menu. 

Type the following text into the notepad window and save it as DrinkReminder.vbs

If you feel brave and you want to change it up, you can change the message text to whatever you like and you can change the intervals too. The number after "wscript.sleep" is the amount of time before the box pops up again (in milliseconds). The current setting is for 15 and 30 minutes, respectively. The computer will continue to run this script until you shut down or log off the computer. If you decide you want it to stop popping up, just stop clicking OK or Cancel and just let the window stay open in the background until you log off your computer. 

I hope some of you find this helpful. 

** I make no warranties or guarantess that this will work on your computer. It works on mine. By downloading the file or using the code, you assume any and all risks associated with its use. I don't want anybody trying to claim that my script broke anything on their computer. Use at your own risk.. your mileage may vary.. and all that. 

~Kitteh~   Start 363 / Surgery 346 / Current 204.1 / Goal 150


Bette B.
on 4/26/12 1:14 am
 I downloaded an app for that to my phone. Great reminder, but some days I just tell it, "SHUT UP! I am doing the best I can!!!" 


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

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