Can you see me

on 4/16/12 5:29 am - IN
RNY on 06/06/12
I sit here depressed.  Not because I am fat but because the lady I work with is thin, beautiful, nice and a great dresser.  She is easy on the eyes and everyone comes by to talk to her and ask her to do things with them or for them.  I work with a room for of men and I guess her beauty wins them over.  What am I doing? I'm sitting here on the computer reading the forums because I'm board.  I've been here for 3 months and she has been here 1 month.  I know I'm complaining but this is when I should be working hard to lose weight a be easy on the eyes also but NO I want cupcakes and to go to bed.  Vicious circle isn't it?
on 4/16/12 5:43 am - Rialto, CA
VSG on 09/04/12 with
And completely the same as I have been feeling for 7 years. I too work with a group of 3 girls that are skinny and seem to get all the attention from the guys. Although in my department the girls and guys are nearly equal, it is the guys from other departments that add to the mix. So I have licorice, crackers, candy Whoppers (malt balls) at my desk and VERY EASILY accessible.

Trust are SO NOT ALONE!

Jennifer B.
(Can't wait to meet the new me!)
HW: 288  SW: 270.2   CW: 199.8  GW: 170-180   Hgt: 5'10" 

H.A.L.A B.
on 4/16/12 7:02 am, edited 4/16/12 8:52 am

Be her friend - she can show you how skinny people eat - and how to dress to show your best side...

I have some skinny friends - I learn a lot from them. Now - they ask me for help...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 4/16/12 7:20 am - Lake Zurich, IL
When I taught high school, I had this wonderful, sweet student who did not get the concept of the vicious circle in the depression of the 1930s.

Finally I said to her, look, when I get upset, I eat. When I eat, I gain weight. When I gain weight, I get upset. When I get upset, I eat.

She got it.

Yeah, I've been where you are. Those head issues of "I want..." are the hardest part of all of this!
Circumferential LBL, anchor TT, BL/BR, brachioplasty 12-16-10 Drs. Howard and Gutowski

Thigh lift 3-24-11, Drs. Howard and Gutowski again!
Height 5' 5".  Start point 254.  DH's goal: 154.  My guess: 144.  Insurance goal: 134.  Currently bouncing around 130-135.
Jackie McGee
on 4/16/12 8:27 am - PA
Maybe she's a nice person, friendly and fun to talk to/hang out with?

Work on your self-esteem and I guarantee that if you start mimicking her personality instead of her appearance, they'll talk to you more, too.

Just a thought :) - I was fat for years and never had trouble getting positive attention and making friends. It's all about how you feel and the attitude that you put out there to others.

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

Lisa S.
on 4/16/12 9:00 am - Lexington, NC
Mini Gastric Bypass on 03/14/12
YES! I CAN SEE YOU!! And I think you are purty and nice!

I will tell you what I tell myself...Everyone has their problems, no matter how perfect another one's life appears. If my biggest problem is that I have to battle with my weight every day of my life, I consider myself pretty fortunate.

It'll be ok.

((and btw, I'm 1 month out since surgery...and depression/anxiety/anger is my current demon, but you know IT WILL BE OK!!))
on 4/16/12 12:28 pm
I am sorry that you feel slighted.

Personally, I would ask for one of the 'things' that she is working on, and I would 'wow them with my competence' --- to MAKE them see me.

"Easy on the eyes" is flashy at first, but people want to work with those who know their stuff (and she may be both).  Stand up and get noticed ------

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