No weight loss in 4 days? wth

on 4/6/12 10:27 am, edited 4/6/12 10:28 am
RNY on 03/20/12
on 4/6/12 10:30 am
RNY on 03/20/12
on 4/7/12 8:03 am - baxter, MN
 That will happen be patient just think if you lost a pound a day everyday you would lose 356 pounds in a year and that would be way to much.
(deactivated member)
on 4/7/12 1:37 pm - Wiesbaden, Germany
DS on 10/08/13
That was very funny and made me giggle.
on 4/6/12 10:57 am
It's very common between week 3 - 6 to have periods of no weight loss. Like 2 weeks with no movement n the scale. Weight loss is more like stair steps instead of a slide. You will have a week, maybe more with no loss and then poof 10 pounds in a single week. It's normal.

The scale is evil. The best thing you can do, is weigh no more than once a week. I understand, this is weight loss surgery. You want, expect to lose weight. I really understand. And I promise, it comes off. Just stick with the plan. Be confident you are making the right choices, and focus on your health.
on 4/6/12 2:40 pm - Weaverville, NC
You should be THRILLED TO DEATH with a pound a day thus far.  It took me 2 months after RNY to lose that much weight.  NOT KIDDING!  I lose between 2 and 3 pounds a week IF I'm lucky and my surgeon, bariatric doctor AND nutritionist said that is perfectly normal.  I go weeks on end without losing a single ounce. I've stalled numerous times and I'm only 4.5 months out. 

I do not know why people complain when they are losing as fast as you are. I would KILL to have stats like that.  

Everyone will experience weight loss at a different rate.  It depends on age, physical condition, ability to exercise, how much exercise you are getting, etc.  I think it is safe to say that no one goes without stalling and you should not be weighing yourself every day to begin with.  The body doesn't work that way, especially for women. We retain water, we have hormonal fluctuations - anything can cause variations in weight on a daily basis. It's not a healthy mind-set to weigh yourself daily.  Weigh weekly at best and put the scale away in between. 

Good luck to you.

on 4/7/12 2:42 am - NV
RNY on 02/22/12
Suz you are absolutely right in what you said, I lost 15 pounds my first month out and in 6 weeks i'm down 23. My doc said at the month check up that 10-15 pounds per month is about the average and that is about 3-4 pounds per week.

H/W 326   S/W 287                                                                                     GW 145                                                      
on 4/8/12 11:13 pm - Northern, CA
On April 6, 2012 at 8:19 PM Pacific Time, shasta101 wrote:
It's because that's how it's supposed to work....

It goes like this:

First couple of weeks: On liquids, have trouble getting in enough protein and liquds, calories are often around 450 a day, which is nothing. Therefore, you lose like crazy. Anywhere from .5 to 2 poinds a day is typical.

Start soft food or solid food around 2-4 weeks out: By this point the swelling has gone down a bit so you can eat more and also the anesthesia is completely out of your system. Weight loss slows down enough that you won't see a lose every day on the scale. Sometimes the body reacts to all the changes by retaining water and the scale doesn't show a loss AT ALL (but you stilll are losing). Typical weight loss during this period is 2-3 pouds a week. Calories tend to be around 600-ish.

Then over time, we can eat more and we aren't drinking most of our calories and weight loss slows down even more. Eventually it gets to the 1-2 pounds a week rate that is typical of most commercial diet programs.

Calories are typically in the 600-800 range in the beginning of this period and eventually get up to 1000-1200. For some people, 1000-1200 is their maintenance calories and weight loss stops completely. For others, it slows down to 1-2 pounds a month.

Once you are in this stage, weight loss becomes very individual with all sorts of outcomes. Some people experience plateaus off and on, some people stop losing before they get to their goal, some people whip past their goal and get to a size they never imaged they could be. Some people get too low and have to actively work to stop the weight loss. It really just depends so you can't really generalize once you get past the early days when most people are losing as I described.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 4/7/12 11:13 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12
Mac that is a great response and helpful to see it all spelled out in one place.
on 4/8/12 10:12 am - VA
Yes! I agree! I'm copying that into a document so I can refer to it every so often. Thanks Mac!

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