Kinda Just Feel Doomed.... :( Doomed to a life of STARVING or no weight loss

on 2/6/12 10:07 pm - elkton, MD
Just about a year, here I weigh myself this morning and see I gained 5 lbs. I feel doomed .... I know all the facts..I realize it's a tool etc....just venting feeling down... not at goal then to see gain... I feel doomed that unless I continue to starve myself the rest of my life I will gain. I eat 1000 to 1200 cal a day log protein etc NEVER see the scale move unless I stay between 700-800 max. I feel like I'm starving at night....when your eating high protein foods calories add up before NOON 

:( :(

on 2/6/12 10:11 pm
I hear you! This WLS stuff is not magic other than getting the weight off in the first place, that's for sure. The self-management part is a bear. I do find the results worth it, however.

Doesn't mean we can't ***** about it!

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

Citizen Kim
on 2/6/12 10:16 pm, edited 2/6/12 10:18 pm - Castle Rock, CO
What exercise are you doing? I can add anything from 300-800 calories per day, depending on what I am doing ...

This means that I can either eat the extra if I am maintaining a weight, or not eat the extra if I am trying to lose a pound or two ...

The goal is to maintain or increase your metabolism, particularly as you get older and it starts to wane naturally! Eating fewer than 1200 calories per day is NOT good for metabolism as your body will do it's darndest to hang on to every lb!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Mary Catherine
on 2/6/12 10:26 pm
 RNY takes off 100 pounds over the first year.  Then the body stays at about the same weight for another year or so.  The real dieting begins when malabsorption goes away. You are not doomed, you are just on the same playing field now as the rest of the world.  There are a very few very lucky individuals who seem to eat everything and never gain an ounce.

The rest of the world has to make a constant choice between enjoying food or enjoying slimness.

RNY did not free you from that.  You still have to choose between the celery sticks or the Doritos. You just get to be a normal weight and now you have to opportunity to stay at the normal weight.  There is no magic, it is up to you.  Weigh yourself every single day.  I doubt that you gained five pounds overnight.  If you weigh every morning you will never get a scale shock again.  Become obsessed with the scale, with eating healthy foods, and with getting exercise.

If you can eat lots of lean protein and cut out almost all carbs, you will never have to count calories. Try this: Bake a turkey breast. Put it in the refrigerator and eat as much of it as you want and need to be full and satisfied. Eat very little else. Drink as much water as you can. Do it for a few days.  At the end of the week the scale should drop 5 to 10 pounds.

on 2/6/12 10:56 pm - Toledo, OH
 Really...I'm not doing anything wrong? I lost 80lbs so far. I will be 2 years out at the end of March. I havn't really lost any weight for the last year. I'm trying any and everything I can do to lose my last 20 or 30 pounds. I driner lots of water and I have increased my protein intake. And I really try very hard to exercise 5 days a week at least. I went from 260 to 175, and I've maintained that wieght for a year now. I just want to know I'm normal and doing every thing right!


Mary Catherine
on 2/7/12 12:14 am
 Yep, you are normal and doing it right.  Everyone has a secret weapon that works for them. Mine is the scale. My goal is 136. My lowest after surgery was my 128 and my highest 146.  I weigh everyday. I also get exercise, walking, line dancing and water aerobics. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and very little protein. I drink about a gallon of water a day and almost no other fluids.

Today I am 138.5 and working on getting back to 136.  I fight for every ounce since surgery. It is not magic but I really appreciate having a tool to help.

The most enlightening book I read is Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It. It teaches so much that nobody has told us before.
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/12 10:29 pm, edited 2/6/12 10:30 pm
Its also a matter of switching foods . Like I love to eat the fresh spinach , fresh baby lettuce , fresh tender sweet baby brussels sprouts and extra early sugar snap peas I pick from my own garden.

When you are eating high bulk , high fiber fresh foods you really dont feel under-full or deprived .

That's one o fthe reasons i love gardening so much ... It no only lifts my mood but practically forces me to eat my own organic and amazing produce which otherwise I might simply be too CHEAP to buy

It works ! ya gotta switch the focus sometimes not to what U CANT have but how lucky we are to have so many more hours in every day , so much better health and energy .. and see what we can DO with it ..

MyLady Heidi
on 2/6/12 10:37 pm
The magic cure is walking, either find a hobby that makes you have to walk or find a walking partner and go, it really helps, works, does the magic trick to clear your head.  Seriously.
on 2/6/12 11:55 pm - elkton, MD
ugh you guys have me practically in tears....

THANK YOU so much for your encouragement.

As soon as I posted that I ran the hell out the front door and went jogging. I think to myself if for SOME reason I stayed this weight the rest of my entire life I am STILL 100 lbs lighter and NOT overweight according to my BMI and for that I will choose to stay amazed and content.

I thought to myself, I have been given the beautiful ability that in every aspect of my life I CHOOSE my state of mind, I take responsibility for my OWN creation of reality.  

I will focus more on what I want as opposed to what I seemingly perceive not to have. 

I have an awesome future ahead of me, I just opened my own practice as a hypnotherapist, I have the strongest passion for what I do.  Sometimes I just have to see how stupid my venting is for it to actually do it's job of shutting me the hell up.

Love you guys and THANK YOU...... for just letting me be me in that moment

Kristi K.
on 2/7/12 1:25 am - Green Lane, PA
Thank YOU for "venting". I am feeling much the same way-hungry a lot, trying to take off 20 lbs of regain. I sometimes resent the hard work it takes to see results and need to refocus on what a miracle this surgery was for me. Even with the regain I have still lost 110 lbs, no longer diabetic (and I was pretty much uncontrolled even with maximum medication) and have so much more energy!
I too am trying to focus more on what I want to achieve as opposed to what I perceive not to have!

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