For all those people who,s weight lose has stalled or slowed down..

Doris Cervenka
on 1/12/12 2:15 am - Ganado, TX
      I am 41 years old. I was fat child.   I was 230 pounds in High School and have just gotten bigger throught the years.  It been 9 months since Gastric- by - Pass and even through lost a lot of weight in the first five month and whole lot before. I stalled at 6 six and have really lost any more.  I started out 390 pounds and Was at the point of dying and could bearly walk any more.  Ilost 50 pounds before surgery. My surgery weight was 340.  I new  it will take long time to get it off..  But ,I got down to 252 and was so happy about it. I lost 138 pounds.  Who would not be happy.  Then  I stalled for 2 month and half month then dropped 10 pounds.  I was so thankful thought it was over. I was 248 pounds.   I had  finally gotten under 250 something.  I had thought  that was never  going to happen.  Then, I just  stalled again.  I am  not losing anything,  Now at 242 pounds and stay between 238 and 242 pounds up and down for two months.   I feel like wasted the last four monthes not really losing any weight and It has been the longest four months of my life.  I keep going down and up.  I increased my protein by drinking protein shakes and exercise.  I am exercising and getting around better than I have in years.  Walking more than I ever have.  So is this normal. I don,t know if it is a head thing. What if I can,t get under 200 pounds. I been to counseling and not sure if it really help me . Is this a normal thing.  I am worried because, People are suppose to the most of their weight the first year and half.  I feel like it is never going to happen. Now, I finally been able to finally eat without getting sick all the time and now I am afraid. That maybe I stretch my stomach some.  I been really careful. For the longest time. I could not eat any thing not even a bite without throw up everything and was afraid to eat because, It made me sick.  I lived on protein shakes.  Until my sister who a nurse told me. I was going to die if I did not eat real food.  I know she is right.  I looked really bad and was losing my hair.  So , I started eating  in small bites.  One at a time. and would let it go  down. Drink a swallow of water. Then go back in 5 minutes to 10 minutes to eat another bite. I know not what the doctor said to do.  But, At the time it was the only way to get food down. I am pretty much still doing it that way.  I have finally stopped being sick all the time.   I am finally able to sit a a table and eat a small meal.  Now, I am wondering.  if   I may have stretched my stomach a bit. I know my BM are know longer stringy and are well formed. I am not really sure what to do? I don't if I am taking in to many calories.  Should I stop drinking the protein shakes?  I still only dream of getting under two hundred pounds.  The last time I was under two hundreds pounds was the 8th grade.  I lost 148 pounds.  But, I still really need and want  to lose more. I be happy if I could lose 42 more pounds and be under 200. pounds.  I hope that doesn't make me greedy.  Always wanting more. Does anybody have any suggestion on what to do?  Is my thinking normal? Is this happening to anybody else? I was really wanted ask someone who,s had a  High B.M.I. 
on 1/12/12 2:26 am

Why didn't you post in our BMI 50+ forum? You know you've got this. Have you been to the doctor? It's not normal to need to drink fluids to eat. Sounds like you might have some stricture or should really get that checked out.

Secondly, those of us that have more to lose, will take longer to lose it. Just because you don't lose it in the first 18months doesn't mean that you're not going to! It's not like some door closes and you can't lose again, you will always have this tool to help you.

Be patient- you are in a stall and they suck, but hopefully after you speak with a medical professional you will get some anxiety relief cuz you need it!

Hang in there,

:Danni  >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170


Mary Catherine
on 1/12/12 8:14 am
 The worst thing you can do is eat and then take a swallow of water.  That washes everything out of your pouch and keeps you from feeling full.  Measure out about 1/4 cup of food, eat it slowly, then don't drink anything for at least 30 minutes.  Work your way up to more food.  Eat small bites and chew thoroughly.  Work you way up to larger amounts of food.  Eventually you should be able to eat six to eight ounces of dense protein at a meal.

It is fine to substiture protein shakes for solid food.  You are not going to die of starvation if you stick to protein shakes.  It is a great way to get nourishment and continue to lose.  

You have a lot of weight to lose and will have to work hard at it.  Use your tool to help you feel full on small amounts of food so that you will lose more quickly.  It is true that the first 18 months are the time when it is easist to take off pounds.  Take advantage of this time to lose as much as possible.

It is possible to lose all of your excess weight, but it will take time and effort.  It will not be easy like it was the first six months.  Track your food, get in lots of water but not with meals, get lots of exercise.

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