WLS, Divorce, Emotional Eating

on 12/29/11 5:04 am - Euclid, OH

So, I had the surgery. I've lost 215 pounds, feel fabulous! Loving life, loving energy and loving making new friends. Hubby not so much. 3 and half years ago when I started this, I got him as involved as I could (it was like pulling teeth) so he could also be prepared for what he would be going through. I thought our marriage was strong and we would survive.

Not so much.

I had my first appointment with a lawyer today. Needless to say, i have been battling the urge to eat my feelings...and not always succeeding. I am keeping very close tabs on my weight and haven't gained, but I am scared.

How do you keep from eating anything not nailed down when the emotions take over? I could really use some suggestions!

on 12/29/11 5:10 am
Sorry you are going through this.

I went through it earlier this year.  For me, different emotions make me eat or I can't eat.  I couldn't eat and lost a significant amount of weight.

My suggestion find a therapist to talk to, it's really helped me with the changes I've faced this year.

Best wishes!

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 12/29/11 5:23 am - NJ
 Just want to say that I am sorry you are going through this. Therapy? Join some groups, gym, etc to get out of the house? I dont think it is uncommon that extreme weight loss can be hard on a marriage. Dont let this have a negative effect on the wonderful thing that you have done for you!
Cindy T.
on 12/29/11 5:41 am, edited 12/29/11 5:42 am - Newaygo, MI
What the others have said are good...find a therapist, if possible.  Also, other activities to enjoy will take up your time and occupy your mind from dwelling on the negative stuff.  And if you succumb to the urge to "eat your feelings" then (if possible) choose something healthy...be prepared for this...stock up on some nutritionally sound snacks.

Most of all, don't beat yourself up over anything in your life right now.  Love yourself. Extend some grace to yourself.  It's another season of change in life that will present challenges, yes, but that doesn't mean you have to "suffer" through it.  At some point in the future, you will look back at this time and see how you grew stronger and learned more about yourself and about life...and things will be fine.  Better than fine.

I know.  It happened to me, too.
Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!  

on 12/29/11 5:57 am
Good for you for being proactive.  Your lawyer can certainly be a big help to you. 

I just got divorced in August.  The separation was the hardest part for me.  The flux and new financial concerns made it pretty rough.  My children's needs were very high.  The divorce brought relief and closure.  There were still changes and transitions, which are beginning to subside. 

I equate the divorce process with having a part time job on top of whatever else you have going on.  It can be time consuming on top of the stress.  I decided to go back to school this Fall, which was very exhilerating, but totally kicked my butt.  I added too much too soon and I did a lot of emotional eating, as well.

Therapy has been amazing and a godsend.  I recommend it highly.  As for me, I am back on the wagon, getting back in the game, etc.  I consider the past three months to be a relapse.  It began with a stall and it ends with me redoubling my efforts and putting weight loss back at the top of my priorities.

Be good to yourself.  I wish you all the best.

Subacloud               408/318/208/135   (HW/SW/CW/GW)


Speak and do not keep silent.   

on 12/29/11 5:57 am, edited 12/29/11 5:58 am
Very regrettable that you are going through this. No matter the cir****tance it is difficult.
You seem to have identified you are an emotional eater, that is a good thing. You know your susceptible and are reaching out for help.
Keep seeking support, everywhere, family, work, any place you think you can find some.  I joined a bowling team with my office, to get out of the house and just have something to and meet new people. I have a great time despite the fact I am a terrible bowler.
Stock up on those almonds and healthy emergency foods.  If you start off right chances are better you wont cheat.
If you desire to speak with a therapist, by all means make that appointment, for some people therapy is not their cup of tea.
Treat yourself well during these difficult times, scared is normal,  You have come this far, you can do this, sounds like you are your own cheer leading squad!
(deactivated member)
on 12/29/11 7:33 am - Santa Cruz, CA
If you do succumb to the urge to eat, be kind to yourself. It is no secret that eating increases serotonin, which is a wonderful soothing endorphin.

Get all the white foods out of your house. If you MUST eat something, make it protein. Refined carbs are the demon and will only make your insulin levels go up which will make you want to eat more which will make your insulin levels go up, etc. etc., etc.

Hang in there, Kid
on 12/29/11 8:21 am - FL

I'm sorry that you're having to go through this as it sucks...

I'm thinking, if you feel the urge to eat, why not eat healthy?  Grab and apple, or carrots, or celery.  Something low in calories...

Hang in there as this, too, will eventually pass...
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