lately almost everything is YUCK

on 9/26/11 7:01 am - LA
I am so sick of protein shakes, greek yogurt, I eat chili almost everyday and that is getting old quick.  I at steak at my parents and did great, had some this weekend and puked it all up.  Thank goodness for edamame, but affraid that will get old since I eat it everyday.   took some chicken legs out and gonna try them, I tried chicken breast and even with tons of chicken broth on it to keep it moist, it got stuck.  So hoping the legs do better b/c I hate thighs.  Hate the ricotta cheese and marinara.  I guess I am gonna have to start making lots of red beans and white beans.  I just feel lost and bored.  I want to be able to eat veggies and salad again, but that will take some time. (I can have cooked veggies but I strugle to get the protein so have no room for veggies.  Eggs dont really agree with me either.  My stomach seems more yuck then it did right after.
Ok end of *****
Ms. Cal Culator
on 9/26/11 7:05 am - Tuvalu

"My stomach seems more yuck then it did right after."

Could that be because it isn't yet ready for what youre doing to it? Episodes like yours are generally seen as clues to SLOW DOWN.  Your pouch is talking to may have to listen a little harder.

on 9/26/11 7:09 am - LA
everything I am eating I am cleared to eat but maybe I am eating to fast, I dont know.


on 9/26/11 7:17 am
On September 26, 2011 at 2:09 PM Pacific Time, jenysez1 wrote:
everything I am eating I am cleared to eat but maybe I am eating to fast, I dont know.

 Jenny, I couldn't eat what I was "allowed" to for months. I ended up doing mostly liquids just to get in enough protein (Syntrax Nectars mixed with water) I ate only TINY amount of real food for a long time. and not chicken or eggs for a good six months.

maybe your pouch didn't get the memo it was supposed to accept chili, etc this early!  Sue is right, slow down.

this is temporary - just make sure you are getting in enough fluids, then work on protein, and stop thinking you "should" be up to enjoying your food already. that will happen, just might take awhile. 

and I hope you are also posting on the Rny forum??

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

on 9/26/11 7:25 am - LA
No I should have posted it on the RNY forum.  Its funny how chile is fine but almost eveything else is yuck.  I am suppose to be drinking one shake a day and the prest of the protein from food.  I may have to go back to 2 shakes a day. 


on 9/26/11 7:29 am
 I get the thinking behind "get your protein from food" (at least, I assume it's about building good habits that are normal)  but I don't agree it's always the way to go.

liquids are just easier to digest - you go as slowly as your pouch needs to.

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

on 9/26/11 7:38 am - LA
I just figured I will have to take it day by day.  If i cant eat dont try to force it.  I wish I could make protein popsicles that taste as good as my regular sugar free popsicles .

Ms. Cal Culator
on 9/26/11 7:42 am - Tuvalu
On September 26, 2011 at 2:09 PM Pacific Time, jenysez1 wrote:
everything I am eating I am cleared to eat but maybe I am eating to fast, I dont know.


My experience with the band is that once a problem shows up, you go back to Square One (liquids) and start over...slowly...even if you were already supposed to be on Square three.

That FIRST episode may have irritated your pouch and your stomach may be swollen and you may need to go back to the beginning and start all over.  (And stay away from chicken brest meat for a while.)

on 9/26/11 7:06 am - LA
even water doesnt sit well.....if only I can eat popsicles all damn day, that is thw only thing that feels good.

on 9/26/11 7:18 am
 so don't have water, add something to it. ice cold crystal light, mebbe.  I didn't like plain water for the first 2 years!!

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

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