Fun Questions

Tammy H.
on 9/10/11 11:47 pm - Greenville, OH
1.  You just realize that you are supposed to go to a carry in at your moms house, or at church, and you only have 15 minutes to prepare something, what would you take?

2.  What vegetable do you think your body resembles?

3.  If you could go to lunch with any famous person, who would it be and where would you take them?

4.  If you won the lottery and wanted to donate some money to an organization in need, who would you donate it to?

Have a great day...Thanks to anyone who takes the time to answer these questions...Tammy

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

on 9/11/11 12:12 am
1. I would take either black bean salad, ceviche or tabbouleh. I ususally keep all the ingredients in the house.

2. I think I look like cauliflower. Very white and a little lumpy. Just add cheese.

3. I'd like to take Queen Eliabeth II to lunch at an East-end pub. Or maybe I'd take Newt Gringrich to a soul food place in south Chicago. Both of these people need a real dose of reality. 

4. If I won the lottery I would pay off all my bills (of course) and then I would set up a scholarship for high scholastic acheiving, lower income kids that want to go to college.

Fun questions.
Tammy H.
on 9/11/11 4:42 am - Greenville, OH
What is ceviche and tabbouleh?

That was too funny about the cauliflower, made me chuckle!!!   and add cheese, how cute you are!!!

Thats cool how you would help the lower income kids with college...So thoughtful you are!!! 

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

on 9/11/11 6:33 am
Ceviche is a Mexican seafood salad, very fresh. Tabbouleh is a middle eastern salad with mint and parsley, also very fresh.

I've never met anyone that's never tried guacamole. I've lived in the Southwest my whole life so pretty much everyone around here eats guac. It tends to disappear at my house within minutes of being made.

Tammy H.
on 9/11/11 6:45 am - Greenville, OH
Guess I should figure out how to make guacamole and give it a try.

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

on 9/11/11 12:16 am
1) My killer guacamole
2) Lord, I dunno. What looks like an hourglass? I'm pretty pleased with it these days.
3) Thich Nhat Hanh- I would have him to my house along with my closest people, put on a beautiful spread, and ask lots and lots of questions and mostly listen.
4) I would and do donate to wherever I think would have the most impact- probably the Bill Gates Foundation.

Thanks for the questions!

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

Tammy H.
on 9/11/11 4:44 am - Greenville, OH
 Ive never tasted guacamole before...

Wish I had an hourglass figure...I think that I look like a building, same size all the way down....or is that called a butterball, LOL

You are welcome, glad you liked the questions.

P.S.  who is Thich Nhat Hanh?

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

on 9/11/11 5:20 am
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Zen master, poet, and peace and human rights activist, as well as a philosopher. He is a sane, sensible, and wise human being, and I use his teachings as a grounding.

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

on 9/11/11 5:24 am
On September 11, 2011 at 12:20 PM Pacific Time, AnneGG wrote:
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Zen master, poet, and peace and human rights activist, as well as a philosopher. He is a sane, sensible, and wise human being, and I use his teachings as a grounding.
 Use them now, and let it go. 
HW 263, 3lbs lost prior to surgery,  weight loss ticker is since surgery.
Jackie McGee
on 9/11/11 12:22 pm - PA
That is exactly what I was going to say.


For someone who is using his teachings and presumably trying to follow his example, you aren't doing a very good job at simply observing other's actions, acknowledging them, and then just letting them go.

What you're doing is exactly the opposite of what he teaches. You're labeling things, and by doing that, you're giving them a meaning and a power over yourself, which is causing you to react and act in a pretty ****ty way by drawing situations out to ****ty conclusions.

I highly recommend reading or re-reading a book by Krishnamurti called "The First and Last Freedom" - it's about not labeling or putting a name on an emotion and just coming to the realization that YOU are the thought/feeling/emotion and the way you respond is up to you, no one else.

By Thich Nacht Hanh, you should read - or again re-read - "Peace In Every Step" and some of his poetry that explains/explores how we generate the world around us and respond accordingly, therefore assuming responsibility for our own actions and letting the rest of the world be responsible for theirs.

I also stress the importance of using the block button on here liberally before you cause yourself to stroke out.

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

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