It's not my fault!!!!!!!!!!!

on 8/9/11 8:33 am - New Bedford, MA
I started my lymph-edema treatment today, and my therapist is a real witch!!!! (exchange the W with a B) All she kept talking about was for me to exorcise and lose weight and my lymph-edema is due to my weight!!!!
I have gained about 110 lbs since last November, and it certainly is NOT what I am eating. I have digestive problems so I eat mostly soft foods like low fat yogurt, peanut butter and banana sandwiches and Slim Fast. Lately, I have even gained 14 lbs in one week! My primary care doc said it is most definitely due to my lymph-edema swelling out of control. My lymph specialist said it is from what I am eating and not exercising.

She said my weight is crushing my lymphatic system and that is why I have lymph-edema! I lost 120 lbs and had a panniculectomy. Last year, I looked so darn good! Then I started getting migraine headaches and was tried on a couple of meds. The one that worked was Amitriptaline. Problem is, weight gain is a side effect. I cannot take anymore meds for it because I am allergic to most pain meds and others interfere with my blood thinning med. When I lost all that weight, I was thinner all over, except for my legs. I saw my doctor and that was when I was diagnosed with Lymph-edema.

I now have lymph in both of my legs which makes it very uncomfortable to walk, and then started getting it in my arms. My lymph specialist insists that it is not only lymph edema, but fat too, and the fat is making my lymph worse. She keeps brow-beating me that it I need to lose weight, I should have kept losing weight and not stop at 283. (that was my lowest weight in a while. I was over 400 and got sick which is why I lost 120 lbs) She even told me that what happened to me,(getting sick and losing weight) was a good thing! Uh excuse me????!!!!!  No one should stay sick just because they are losing weight as a result! I missed out on Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving, social gatherings. etc. And she has the gall to say that was a GOOD thing!!!!

Plus, she is only going to wrap one leg at a time! So, now I am going to walk around with a thinner leg and a huge one!!! Unfortunately, I have to stick with this @#!$itch  because I am on a really long waiting list anywhere else, and I almost can't fit into clothes anymore due to my lymph.

Sorry for the long post. I am so angry to tears!!!

It is not my fault! Lymph-edema is not my fault!!!!!! 

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

on 8/9/11 9:37 am
What surgery did you have?

Maybe it is time for a revision to the DS to get that weight off you.
Check out my profile:
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

April M.
on 8/9/11 10:08 am - MI
I second the thought....

~April~                                             5'7" 
       2 Part DS                   BMI: S/C/G    59.3/33.5/24.9   
 Part 1: 3/14/11                HW/SW#1/SW#2/CW/GW      
    Part 2: 7/14/11                  

Sharyn S.
on 8/9/11 12:53 pm - Bastrop, TX
RNY on 08/19/04 with
WLS of any type will not resolve lymphedema.

Sharyn, RN

RIP, MOM ~ 5/31/1944 - 5/11/2010
RIP, DADDY ~ 9/2/1934 - 1/25/2012

on 8/9/11 2:28 pm
But, her weight is making it worse and hindering her movement even more. WLS will not resolve lymphedema, but her obesity is a huge contributing factor to her immobility. With a good portion of that excess weight off, her legs will become more manageable.

WLS will not resolve a lack of rhythm, either, but it sure makes it easier to dance.
Check out my profile:
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

Esther B.
on 8/9/11 9:51 am - Rainy & Cloudy, WA
My heart goes out to you!  What an absolutely horrible person!   I can't even begin to understand what you are going through and I don't have any advice (other than hiring a hit man) but I wish you better days ahead.   
on 8/11/11 5:54 am - New Bedford, MA
 I will definately look into hiring a hit man! Thanks for the laugh. I need it.

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!


on 8/9/11 11:33 am
 who is doing and saying this, a physical therapist?  I don't think you should have to put up with the fat hating remarks - you need to complain to whoever this person's boss is and find someone else to treat you. 

it is not OK for this person to be saying sick is good. I don't know about the one leg at a time thing, maybe there is a reason for it.  but you don't have to put up with lack of respect no matter what size you are.

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

on 8/9/11 11:54 am - Triad, NC
Wow, I just did a Google search of your condition... how can they attribute this to what you're eating?

Exerpt from Wiki:
While the exact cause of primary lymphedema is still unknown, it generally occurs due to poorly developed or missing lymph nodes and/or channels in the body. Lymphedema may be present at birth, develop at the onset of puberty (praecox), or not become apparent for many years into adulthood (tarda).

Even taking medications shouldn't cause your weight to rise this rapidly.  14 lbs in a week is just unimaginable to me!

I hope that you find resolution soon!  I'm so sorry you're dealing with ignorant people. :(
Join me here:
on 8/11/11 5:52 am - New Bedford, MA
Thank you for your support. It's not the first time that I've dealt with disrespect from doctors or other health care professional. And I'm also sure it probably won't be the last. (hmmph! health care "professional". professional jerk is more like it!) Thanks for your support. I hope you do get approved for your WLS. It must make December feel so far away! Well, just in time for Christmas! Maybe Santa will bring you great new clothes in smaller sizes!

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

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