Having a photo ***** moment....bare with me

on 8/8/11 9:52 am - Beverly, MA
I am so happy, never in my life did I think I could wear something like this...yeah I have skin but I dont give an eff.


on 8/8/11 9:54 am - Beverly, MA

on 8/8/11 9:59 am - Beverly, MA
damn wont work but its in my profile
on 8/8/11 10:23 am - East Windsor, NJ
You look fantabulous!!!!  Go ahead and have your moment..you deserve it!!!! 
on 8/8/11 10:52 am - Triad, NC
You look amazing!!!!  Great job!!  And I'm like you, I wouldn't care about the skin... your outfit is super cute and you look great in it. :D
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Still Fawn
on 8/8/11 10:58 am - SIERRA MADRE, CA
You look fabulous!

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

(deactivated member)
on 8/8/11 11:43 am - OH
You look wonderful! And I have to say, I looked at your before pictures and you are one of those rare people that looks fabulous heavy or thin. Congrats!!!
on 8/9/11 2:15 am

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 8/9/11 7:39 am - Brick, NJ
 Damn girlfriend! You were beautiful before- but look at you now!!
Melissa HW:350 SW:333 CW:234 GW:128
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