2 years post op/success... yes. Goal no

on 7/13/11 5:00 am - League City, TX
Now... I know it has been a while since I have posted.   Most of you probably dont even remember me.   I stepped away for a while because eating and my weight was no longer the focus of my life.   That was a mistake.    But I cant say I am doing too bad.   I have lost the weight they said I would with the surgery.   I stopped the honeymoon period at able 6 months out.   Ever since then.... any weight I have lost...... or gained, I owe to my own efforts.   My weight loss from the surgery came to an abrupt halt about 6 months out.   I dont know if that is the norm... but... that is what happened for me.  

Since then, I have maintained.  I got below 200... and was doing fine for a while.   Then I decided to start house hunting.  The added stress triggered the same old responses for me and I was totally hand to mouth again.   Food again became my comfort.  But this time ... I was making better choices.   Ok..... so I gained back a few pounds.   But I caught myself and I have lost it back again.  

While as it suggests in my title... I am not where I wanted to be, again, I accept that as my own failure rather than that of the surgery.  The surgery did everything it was supposed to do.  I failed the surgery by being "too busy" to be more active.  But I also think I may have set my goal a little high.  Being that I was 5 ft 3 inches... and weighed 300 lbs.  It was probably unrealistic that I set my goal weight to 135.   Especially knowing that I dont have a lot of time to work out.   Now... I am a LOT more active than I was, but still not as active as I should be.   I have seen the error of my ways and am working to fix this.... but.... I know it will not be as easy as it was in the begining.   I think I am going to try the Dukan diet.   Sounds almost like the diet that my surgeon suggested.  

Anyway.... That is my update for what it is worth. 

Surgery Date 9/16/09
God is Great!!!!     

on 7/13/11 5:40 am - League City, TX
Just looked at the results from some of the people that had surgery right about the same time I did.   Maybe I am not as much of a success as I thought.   But I have not given up.   I will continue to lose.   And while I may never reach my goal.... I will never be where I was before... or even where I am today again.  :) 

Surgery Date 9/16/09
God is Great!!!!     

on 7/13/11 5:45 am
Oh my gosh...I was just thinking about you. I said to myself the other day..."wonder what happened to the person holding the tiny dog?".
(I have chihuahuas!! that's why I noticed.)

Glad to see you back!

I tell ya what...I am here...365 days a year. It keeps me in touch. I know that I must remain close to the battle lines in order to maintain my own perspective on where I was, where I am and where I could end up if I'm not careful.

Happy to see you not letting this thing get too big.

For me...I have let the goal weight as set by the charts go. Just not realistic for me.
We must find the balance. You will know when you get there.

Keep coming back. Good support here!
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. " -- Anais Nin

Revised from Band to Bypass 10/26/09
High Wt 355/ Surgery Wt 343 (BMI 61) / Current Wt 190 on 3/17/12

TT/Fleur De Lis 8/22/11
Mastopexy and Brachioplasty 12/14/11
on 7/13/11 6:20 am - League City, TX
Strange how life works... right?    Glad to see I was missed.   So much has gone on in the last year that I let my lifes focus change.  I stopped posting because I had plateaued and did not think I had anything to add that could help somone.   Then,  I lost a big part of my support group last year at the holidays, my mother.  And then my husband and I focused on buying a home.   Now that life is finally settleing down.  I am hoping to change my focus back to improving my health even more and continueing my weight loss where I left off.   I know it wont be as easy.... but most of the stuff in life that is worth it is rarely easy.   Thanks for being willing to lend an ear.   :)  I promise you... no... I promise me... I will get back on track and be more active in here.  Time to reestablish my support base and get back on track.  

Surgery Date 9/16/09
God is Great!!!!     

on 7/13/11 7:13 am
Welcome back....and congrats to you on your success!!  I had surgery a month after you...I started off at 305..got down to 194...bounced back during some heavy financial stuff to 200...and have maintained that for a few months...now I am ready to pick it up again.  Sure, we could have lost a few more...but it doesn't mean its over...life sometimes gets in the way.  Pull in the reigns and get back on track!!  (We are success stories and don't you forget it!!!)....just takes some of us a little longer...but if I never lost another pound...blah blah blah...



"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 7/13/11 9:49 am
We are all success stories.  Just remember to hold your head high and remember how far you've come.  Never forget where you came from.  It's nice to know these feelings I've been having are shared by so many others.
Love to you all,

Heaviest 397/ Before Surgery 367/ Lowest 170/ Current 185

Laura in Texas
on 7/13/11 10:10 pm
Hi, Tazz!  I remember you!! I also used Garth Davis as my surgeon. Please try to stop using the word "failure". You did not fail. 

Glad to see you back!!


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

So Blessed!
on 7/14/11 12:49 am

 Welcome back!
on 7/14/11 4:42 am
Nice to see you back!  I try and get on a few times a week to stay connected, if not every day.  It is really important to me to keep this support system.  Keep on keeping on.. maria
SW / CW / GW
327/203/ 180  
on 7/14/11 5:45 pm - PORT RICHEY, FL
HI TAZZ.. I remember u too, cause I was getting my preop work ups and stuff goin when u had your surgery, so I was constantly checkin you out to see how it was going.  You , me and Chillipepper were all within a few weeks of each other.  I started at 340,  lost 120 in 12 months, then rebounded 30lbs in like 2 months.  now im back to 218-220.  still wanna lose 40-50 more, but if I never lose another pound.blah..blah...blah.  Just posted my great summer. check it out.

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