Mayers vitamin shot

on 7/5/11 4:49 am
I am 9 months out gastric bypass surgery and have recently started going to a new Gyn doctor, and she recommended the Mayer vitamin shot to be taken once a week. Has anyone even heard of this or has anyone else taking this shot?
on 7/5/11 5:01 am
 Yes, but, you will need to take oral vitamins still.

"The "Myers' ****tail" is the colloquial name for an nutrient ****tail invented by John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland, and developed by Alan R. Gaby, administered intravenously and promoted as an alternative treatment for a broad range of conditions including asthmafibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. As of 2002, between 800 and 1,000 different patients had received this ****tail from Dr. Gaby.[1] and the ****tail was reportedly administered to Michael Jackson to boost his energy.[2] However, evidence for its effectiveness is largely anecdotal; there are few clinical studies of the ****tail[1][2] and a placebo-controlled double-blind study of the effectiveness of Myers' ****tail at treating fibromylagia found the ****tail did not perform significantly better than a placebo.[3]"
on 7/5/11 10:21 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
sounds like "snaake oil" and a sure fire money maker for your gyn according to MM post.

I would avoid it and do what works.




Elizabeth N.
on 7/5/11 12:28 pm - Burlington County, NJ
You need lab work done to determine your nutritional status and you need to get on a for real supplemenation program that is designed specifically for RNY patients and then tailored to your specific needs. I suspect that you are in trouble with this stuff if your posting history is any indication. You mention having taken Flintstones vitamins and then eventually (I hope!!) going to "a regular vitamin." That is so woefully inadequate I can't even begin to tell you.

This weekly shot thing has nothing to do with RNY specific needs or what you, as an individual, need.

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