
on 6/16/11 2:27 am - jonesboro, AR
Helllo , it has been a long time since i had any questions but today i do.. I have passed out two days in a row at work..  My Job made me go the the er today and the diagnosis was anemia.. It was said it wasn't bad enough for me to need blood or anyhting.. this is scary to me . I am so weak and can hardly stand for more than a hour at a time without passing out( literally) ! Has anyone else had this problem . I have already called my surgeon and I am waiting on the nurse to call back, I haven't been to the dr in a lil over a year due to No insurance i just started this job a month ago and I need it bad the Beneifts are great and so is the pay I can't afford to lose it becasue i can't stayt on my feet .. Please Help!!!!!
If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've already got!!!!!!!!!!!
on 6/16/11 3:03 am - ID
WLS on 05/19/11
I just had my surgery a month ago and I too have been close to passing out.  If you are anemic you may try Carnation instant Breakfast drink.  It has iron and protein.  Also, I would google foods natural in iron.  good luck   ~Tain
on 6/16/11 5:38 am - jonesboro, AR
Thanks tain i'll google now ..
If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've already got!!!!!!!!!!!
Kim S.
on 6/16/11 3:11 am - Helena, AL
What you are describing sounds like a pretty serious deficiency.  You definitely need bloodwork done to see what your levels are and then your doctor will tell you the best course of action.
on 6/16/11 5:40 am - jonesboro, AR
I can see my dr till august .. the er dr says its anemia but gave me no course of action... so i called mt dr.. i was taking an iron pill that i may not have been absorbing .. i got back on the dr prescribed ones...
If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've already got!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave Chambers
on 6/16/11 4:57 am - Mira Loma, CA
Only real way to determine deficiencies is to do labs. I did labs and still had fainting issues. I saw my PCP and had a series of tests and changes on bp meds over several months. I got a final referral to a cardio doc. One more Holter Monitor tests and I had a diagnosis. I had short periods of elevated bp, and would return to my relatively low bp.  BUT, every once in a while, the return to my normal low bp would "dip" and my surgoen said this is when I would either get extremely dizzy or faint.  If you don't have insurance now, I'd go to the ER, and explain you passed out at work.  You likely can be seen in the ER without cost. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

on 6/16/11 5:42 am - jonesboro, AR
the er ran all kinds of test today.. i'm beleving its just anemia like they said.. hope after i get the these iron ills in my sytem this all will stop.. thanks for rersponding !
If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've already got!!!!!!!!!!!
robert B.
on 6/29/11 12:19 am - fair lawn, NJ
this is not related i dont think im trying to find out out if anyone has ever passed out from pain from the lapband i have been doing that
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