Weid hand issue--tingliness and frozen fingers

on 5/21/11 8:12 am - CO
I have been getting worseing symptoms with my hands. They feel like it does when your body part falls asleep and starts getting feeling back. Today, my hands have started to spasm into a claw and I can't make a fist for a few seconds. I called the on call surgeon and he said it didnt sound like a WLS issue. I am worried it is a B deficiency but he says it sounds more like a nuerologist issue. I have no issue with discs or herniation in my spine and this only began after WLS,. I haven't been right on track with my vitamins so I am worried this is a side effect. Thanks for any help you can offer.

HW:390   GW:170ish

on 5/21/11 8:21 am - Providence, RI
 It could be one of two things carpel tunnel or vitamin B 12 call you primary care they can get better I have had both.good luck
on 5/21/11 8:26 am - Walkerton, IN
take extra calcium and see if it helps   it controls muscle contraction and release.  mine starts with my mouth then goes to my hands.

Carla cc

 Live Today, and Dream of Tomorrow

Ms. Cal Culator
on 5/21/11 8:50 am - Tuvalu

These may sound like weird questions, but do you vomit a  lot...and did they take the gall bladder when you had your surgery?

In any group of a hundred people, there are probably 2 or 3 sociopaths.  In a group of a thousand, more like 20-30.  They function very well in "affinity groups," where people have things in common and tend to trust strangers.  I am NOT saying not to trust anyone.  I AM saying that there are probably two dozen sociopaths hanging out here and looking for victims.  Most are NOT serial killers.

Read: www.sociopathicstyle.com/traits/classic.htm

Elizabeth N.
on 5/21/11 9:02 am - Burlington County, NJ
This is a go to the doc SOON thing. PCP to neurologist most likely. I would suspect injury or B vite deficiency first. But DO NOT SELF DIAGNOSE. Get SEEN. This is probably a simple thing, but it could be the first visible sign of any number of really NOT simple, NOT good things.

on 5/21/11 9:32 am - CO
I have had the gallbladder taken out and only vomit when I do meat or eat too much. I took 1000 dropper of B12 and a B1 and the symptoms are not as bad. Can it fix it that quickly? Thanks for your replies.

HW:390   GW:170ish

Ms. Cal Culator
on 5/21/11 10:16 am - Tuvalu

I would need a consult with a neurologist who has read stuff like these articles...don't feel shy...print them out and take them with you if you want to.  I won't take a stab at what the diagnosis is, because a neurologist needs to stay on top of this, but it wouldn't hurt to tell them that you are a bariatric surgery patient who has had some vomiting and SIGNIFICANTLY decreased food intake and you need an expert to figure out if you have a problem that needs to be supervised.

This one discusses the relationshp between B vitamins and neuropathies.  I would want bloodwork...right away.



"The risk factors that we found correlated with PN included very rapid weight loss, not taking vitamins and prolonged nausea and vomiting. Factors including age, gender, pre-surgery BMI and general health had no association," Dr. Dyck said. "A major risk factor correlated with PN after surgery was failure to attend a nutritional clinic. The evidence was very strong that PN complications were associated with malnutrition."

"Our study offers a clear message that PN after bariatric surgery is largely preventable and that a multidisciplinary approach to bariatric surgery that includes good follow-up and good nutritional counseling is the key to a successful outcome," Dr. Dyck concluded. "This gives people a good way to evaluate programs that offer bariatric surgery and assure a better outcome."

In any group of a hundred people, there are probably 2 or 3 sociopaths.  In a group of a thousand, more like 20-30.  They function very well in "affinity groups," where people have things in common and tend to trust strangers.  I am NOT saying not to trust anyone.  I AM saying that there are probably two dozen sociopaths hanging out here and looking for victims.  Most are NOT serial killers.

Read: www.sociopathicstyle.com/traits/classic.htm

on 5/21/11 11:03 am

" Oh you who love clear edges more than anything...........watch the edges that blurr."
Jackie McGee
on 5/21/11 11:46 am - PA
My hands (and forearms) do this and feel this way when my carpal tunnel acts up. The best thing to do is to talk to your PCP first and if he/she feels like it could be something, a neurologist referral would be in order. Good luck to you.
on 5/21/11 12:09 pm - Surrey, Canada
VSG on 04/16/12
 I have been experiencing very similar symptoms for many months now.  I had a neurological assessment which was negative - the neurologist could find no cause for it and suggested it might be a 'pinched nerve' kind of thing.  I tried some massage therapy/accupressure and it did relieve my symptoms temporarily.  I have never heard of any connection to a Vitamin B deficiency - I am curious about that now...Carpal Tunnel Syndrome was also mentioned.  

I wonder if you are experiencing it post WLS because your body/skeleton/musculature is 'shifting around/readjusting' as you lose weight?? 

I think that it's definitely something that should be discussed with a doctor.  If/when you find relief or some kind of answer, could you please share it here?  I'm curious now as to what you might find out...

Good luck!! :)
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