Hercules not Superman

on 4/17/11 11:06 am
Today I needed to get up to the gutters on the house to reinstall some screening that the high winds had blown out of place. 

I was going to wait for my wife.. but she was busy, so I got the ladder myself. 

The ladder was much heavier than I remembered, and when I lifted up to the side of the house, I strained my lower back. 

Now when I stand up, I hunch over like an old man.

After working out at the gym and all that bike riding, I thought I could do anything.  Well, I did make the gutter repairs, but I suppose it was a lesson in being a little more patient and realistic.

I'm hoping this aching back heals soon.

Max wt. 500+  WLS workshop  4/6/09 440 Surgery  9/21/09  324   9/21/10  218
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The Incredible
Shrinking Woman

on 4/17/11 11:42 am - NY
Awwww Herc .. sorry that you hurt your back today.  Did you put ice on it as soon as it happened?   I hope it feels better tomorrow. 

"Learn from Yesterday.  Live for Today.  Hope for Tomorrow" - Albet Einstein

on 4/17/11 12:08 pm
Hey Hercules! How dare your back betray you that way! You must be careful! Sorry.    Connie
on 4/17/11 10:22 pm
After our wls, our pounds go away, not our age. It's sad. However..........
on 4/18/11 5:30 am - RI
I hope the pain goes away quickly. In the mean time take care.
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