Are YOU a Failure? We'll Looks like we are in good Company

Interesting article in Fitness Magazine.  The moral of the story is that "Everybody fails, but the difference is that people who are successful know how to respond.  They know how to get back up".
The article mentions how Jennifer Aniston auditioned for a role in Saturday Night Live and was rejected.  Michael Jordan getting cut from his high-school basketball team because his coach felt he lacked skills.  Julia Roberts not chosen for a role in a soap opera and Elvis Presley being told "you ain't going nowhere son, you ought to go back to driving a truck.  I think we all know how things turned out for them.

I am sure most of us, if not all, questionned will I fail at WLS too?  As some of you know, I was a fat baby who became a fat child, teenager and an adult.  Started WW at nine, diet camp at 11, and failed at 50+ diets over my lifetime.   

From my personal viewpoint, I think with each failure, I have learned and gained (no pun intended) 
from them.  I know the key for me i****ting the gym 4-5 times per week and weighing and journaling my food.  When I do those two things that was always a winning combination and I had always lost weight or at least kept the pounds from regaining.  The hard part for me will always be just DOING IT. 
For you, something else might work.

So suffering from rebound weight?  Take a look at what you did when you were losing weight and compare it against what you did when you gained weight.  For instance, how much protein/calories/carbs/fat were you getting in?  How much exercise were you getting in?  Did you go back to drinking while eating?  Did you stop attending weight-loss support groups?  Stop posting on OH forum, etc? 

Regardless if you gained back 5 lbs or 50, you need to get back in the saddle.  As the song says, "At first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again".

"Learn from Yesterday.  Live for Today.  Hope for Tomorrow" - Albet Einstein

Kate -True Brit
on 4/10/11 3:26 am - UK

Great message! It happened (whatever it may be!), pick yourself up, learn from your experience and profit by it! Move on!

Not always that easy and harder for some people than others! But something for which to strive!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Mary Catherine
on 4/10/11 3:38 am
 hen things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit --
Rest if you must, but don't quit.

ife is strange with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow --
You may succeed with another blow.

ften the goal is nearer than
It seems to a fair and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

uccess is failure turned inside out --
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit, --
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.

-- Author Unknown --
(deactivated member)
on 4/10/11 5:07 am - Santa Cruz, CA
This is very true;  I have quit exercising and have started putting things back in my diet that are simply poison to my system.  No wonder I've regained.

Well, NOW I'll renew my committment to my health.

Thanks for the kick in the pants!!
on 4/10/11 5:20 am
Point well taken!!!!
Big Frog Kisses,           
Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 4/10/11 5:32 am - Belleville, IL
My favorite quote is from the musical group Chumba Wamba 9Tubthumping)... Succinct but so very true...

"I get knocked down-But I get up again...No you're never gonna keep me down"...

Yeah it can suck getting up over and over and over....But as you said...The people who are happiest and suceed just get the he** up, no matter how many times we get knocked down, pushed down, stampeded down...And many (most) of us have gotten knocked down a LOT. Tons.

I hve seen dear friends who had the same illnesses I have...(Ovarian cancer, Myositis, Mixed connective tissue disease, Super Morbid Obesity) who have just gotten knocked down one time to many and "stay there"...

I don't. Maybe I'm hardheaded and stupid, maybe just don't know any better but I keep getting up. Keep enjoying each day at a time. Keep living each moment in the "now" and now the past or future.

But that is me...I think like a dog...very Zen like... I realize not everyone thinks that way. That is OK.
My (now adult) autistic son has taught me empathy and how to respect each person and living creature regardless of how different they are from me. Just because someone doesn't "think" like me doesn't mean they are wrong.  On the other hand...Those who "stay down" and refuse to change negative behavior or thoughts...Well.

on 4/10/11 6:49 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
We are all human. We fall. We have to learn to forgive ourselves for not being perfect then look at what we might learn. I am so glad to have broken out of the "perfection or nothing" mode. It did nothing but keep me down and afraid of trying again. If I forgive myself and strive to be just a bit better I can do it. Little bits at a time.


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Kathleen W.
on 4/10/11 7:04 am - Lancaster, PA

Great message.  A quick question for you.  Did you think of posting it on one of the message boards so others could read it?  Your post is that good.

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126


Are you talking the other forums?  I just posted it on the main board.  And thanks for your compliment foxymama.

"Learn from Yesterday.  Live for Today.  Hope for Tomorrow" - Albet Einstein

on 4/10/11 7:34 am
That's just it though.  I feel like I'm failing and have no control over it.  I weigh, measure and journal my food, keep calories under 800 most days, and never EVER go above 1100.  I work out at least four days per week for at least 2 hours each time, and usually much more.  Even though I have been doing this for the past few months relentlessly without cheating, I have not lost a single pound for four months.  I am coming to the realization that not only will I never reach my goal weight of 130 pounds, but I will probably not be able to maintain the weight loss I have already accomplished.  I am at the end of my rope, and feel like there is nothing more I can do.  So yes, I've failed at an attempt to lose weight yet again, but I paid a huge amount of money, ruined my credit, lost friends, and went through a painful surgery and complications to do it.  I'm sorry; I'm just so defeated today.
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