hanging stomach

on 4/8/11 3:54 am, edited 4/9/11 9:24 am

Hey All,

I've lost 93 pounds so far & need to lose loads more.  I plan on having a panni later this year or
early next year.  In the meantime, my hanging stomach is down my thighs & sorry if this
is TMI but flaps against my thighs.   Does anyone know where to buy a good girdle to keep my stomach in?  Shapers won't do it.   The ones that were spandex with stays are no longer as far as I know.  Can anyone help?

on 4/8/11 4:09 am
the spanx may work well.. have you tried those?
kerry D.
on 4/8/11 6:04 am - Cambridge, MA
I would check out the maternity stores  in the mall for some sort of wrap or belly band.  I didn't need one for exactly your purpose, but I bought the wrap belt for exercise.  Still to this day, despite my weight loss, I can't do any cardio without wearing it to support the weight of my "spare tire" of loose skin('i'm apple shaped).  They come in a wide range of sizes and are cheap at around 20 bucks.  I tried on all kinds of shapers, but either they were not strong enough, didn't cover enough, or would roll up/down constantly.  Only now do spanx stay in place.
on 4/9/11 9:42 am
I'l remember about the wrap belt when the time comes Kerry.  My doctor said I can begin my cardio 30-40 pounds from now so the wrap belt is something to keep in mind.  Thanks for the suggestion!
on 4/9/11 9:27 am

Happy,  I'll look on the spanx website to see what they offer.  Thanks
on 4/9/11 4:10 am - Antioch, CA
I use the Body Magic. It's so much better than the average girdle or spanx. It has no wires and it was originally made for burn victims so it comfortable (for a girdle) It helps with posture as well as keeping everything in place. I like it also because it reshapes your body and raise your breast. I must admit that you may need someone to help you put it on the first time but wear it for at least 3hrs and you will have no problems putting it on by yourself thereafter. I have the Body Magic and the Corselette D'luxe. I wear my Corselette more than my body magic because I wear a lot more jeans and shirts nowadays. I usually wear my Body Magic with dresses so it can reshape my entire body and hold me in 2-3 sizes. http://www.ardysslife.com/BodyReshapers.aspx?ID=sensualcurve

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on 4/9/11 9:36 am

Calitlg,   I'll be looking into this website too.   Thanks so much for your information too!
kerry D.
on 4/9/11 12:20 pm - Cambridge, MA
My point is, is that they help with jiggle and skin to skin contact and stay inplace.  Please try it.  It was my only savior till I reached a weight so close to my goal.  I really thought getting one would be a waste of time and money considering what I thought I needed till I tried one on and was finally relieved of the pain and stress of pulled skin.  I understand the feeling.  At least for me it feels like my skin wants to pull off my body and rubs, and gets sore and raw sometimes.
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