unflavored protein powder you can put in hot liquids????

on 3/24/11 3:53 am - LA
Is there any unflavored protein powder that can be mixed in hot soup, pudding, yogurt, or that you can cook with?  I have asked this before with no results.  It is something I am really wanted to know the answer.  Please help.  Thanks Jenny
on 3/24/11 4:59 am - CA
I have personally never managed this... but some people mix the protein powder with warm liquid to form a paste and THEN add the hot liquid.

Mary SW 273  CW 158  GW 160


Dawnie 88
on 3/24/11 5:03 am, edited 3/24/11 5:03 am
i mix my unflavored protein powder (unjury) with a little  liquid creamer and  then add it to coffee. seems to work fine..no clumps


on 3/24/11 5:26 am - LA
I just placed an order with unjury.  I ordered the chicken soup and tried some of the unflavored and strawberry single protein packets.  I was unsure of the unjury because they say it can only get so hot to buy a cooking thermometer. 
So if I wanted to mix it in soup, I should maybe mix it in water first then add to the soup, or mix it in some of the unheated soup, then add to the heated soup?  I was really hoping I could find an unflavored protein powder that could be cooked with. 

thanks Jenny
on 3/24/11 5:15 am
 So long as you don't get them too warm, it can be done, with luke-warm liquids.  Most are unpleasant.
(deactivated member)
on 3/24/11 5:24 am
I tried to mix protein power in my soup and it tasted horrible! maybe it was just the texture that put me off, but I certainly won't be doing that again. Perhaps it could work in something else but soup is definatly out of the question for me. 

P.S I used nutrilite protein powder btw.


on 3/24/11 5:32 am - LA
ok so even though it is unflavored, it can kinda still have a nasty taste?  I heard it does chnage the texture also sometimes.  Does anyone use soy protein? someone told me you can mix that one with hot liquids. 
on 3/24/11 8:06 am
VSG on 10/01/10 with
I have not seen a protein powder than can go above 130 degrees. It ruins the protein to go higher. 

All of the "unflavored" still have a taste. Unflavored just means no artificial flavors have been added. I've mixed a little in yogurt, fruit, milk and blended it with an OK result.  Tastes about the same as the other protein shakes.

They all have that "special" flavor.  I just grin and suck them down.  I knew this would be a fact of life until I could eat all my protein, so I don't ***** about the taste..

Best Wishes,
K J 


Liquid Diet       : 330 Day of Surgery : 302 - my scale Goal                   : 160
on 3/25/11 10:25 am - Northern, CA
When the protein gets above 130, it is denatured. This doesn't destroy the nutritional value but it does change the texture.
A good example of denaturing is when you fry an egg. The egg 'white' changes from clear to white. But it's still full of good protein that your body can use. Same with protein powder.

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Danae T.
on 3/24/11 9:00 am
Try Pure Protein from Bariatric Eating. I can't tell when I mix it with yogurt, etc, just mix with a little water first. It does have the same problem with clumping if it gets to hot but it works great in fairly hot stuff. I've put it in hot chocolate and couldn't tell. Of course, I like my hot cocoa cool enough that it doesn't burn my tongue, about the same temp my kids like it. Hope that helps.
Danae T    
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