I Worked Out Today! Did YOU? - 7/7/2014

Keith L.
on 7/7/14 12:16 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

I did a 1 hour Orange Theory class today. Burned 540 calories. Got fatigued a few times which has been an increasingly common issue lately. Working on figuring out what is causing that. I am going to do something tonight too, just not sure what. I am thinking of a steady jog for as long as I can go without stopping and making when I have to stop the halfway point. Something I haven't done in a while. 

Maybe a chest workout , not sure. What I do know is that I need to get back to hitting it hard.

I worked out today, did you?

Let's Hear It!

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


on 7/7/14 12:45 am - Fredericktown/Mansfield, OH

ive not worked out but ive always loved your posts..im trying to figure out what type of exercises I can do..ive put on 60 pounds in the last 3 years due to my immobility..i have chronic migraines accompionded with severe dizziness, vision issues, severe fatigue plus numerous issues..i am tying to get back on track but im not sure exactly how or where to start with menu or fitness..all of my medications make me so hungry and the problem is that I eat whatever and it doesn't matter what it is but im going to be having brain surgery for my medical issues and im wanting to lose some weight before that happens..i would love any advice you could give me and thank you for being such an inspiration

Keith L.
on 7/7/14 1:40 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

I would be happy to help. Some of the issues you describe are going to be difficult to deal with exercise wise but I believe some of them are caused because you do not get enough exercise. I would be willing to bet the more exercise you get the fewer migraines you will have. Dizziness and vision issues and certainly fatigue can all be attributed to weight gain and lack of exercise. I am not saying it will cure you but I might help some. Brain surgery is pretty serious so you will certainly want to confirm any ideas I have here with your doctor.

First and foremost you lose weight through what you eat not how much you exercise. You improve your health and fitness through exercise. So lets start with what you are eating. I can fully understand being hungry all the time, it pretty much describes most of my life. There are certainly many options of foods that are easy to eat. These foods are typically highly process and contain higher than necessary calories, sugar and/or fat. So get yourself used to reading labels. First rule should be if you cannot pronounce it you probably shouldn't eat it. That right there will get you a long way. 2nd rule of thumb is that whatever you are eating should be lower in carbohydrates than something you would normally eat (and keep applying this rule until you get to a low carb lifestyle). When you do sit down to eat a meal eat your food in the following order: protein first (meats, cheese, dairy), vegetables second, and then anything else last. So if you are going to eat a big mac value meal, take the meat and veggies off the bun, eat the burger patties first, eat the lettuce, onion, and pickle next, then the fries, and lastly the bun. I think you will find you will eat less and less of the stuff at the end which is what causes you to gain weight. Now that being said it would be better if you cooked everything yourself and you did not eat a bun or french fries.

Next set of rules. Cut out anything white: sugar, flour, rice, potato, bread, etc. If you are going to eat foods like that choose whole grains no sugar added alternatives. While you are at it cut out gluten as well. So when you choose a whole grain bread, make sure it is gluten free. Same goes with any "whole grain" foods. If you do not have any nut allergies add some nuts and seeds to your diet. Almonds are a great source of healthy fat and are very satisfying. Add lots of leafy green veggies to your diet. Leafy greens are very nutrient dense and provide a plethora of health benefits.

We can continue the food dialog and I can give you more specific recommendations as I am sure there are probably certain foods you do not like or will not eat.

As for exercise, her is a series of videos that I have sent in the past that provide exercise for people who cannot move very well due to being severely overweight or due to some other mobility issues. Most of these exercises are performed from a chair. See the links below. Besides those I will tell you the absolute best exercise for losing weight is walking. You should have a goal of walking for 1 hour each day. It doesn't have to be an hour all at once. It can be 20 5 minute walks or 4 15 minute walks. Having issues with dizziness may limit how far you can go and you may want to consider using a walker just to have something to hold on to in case you have an episode. But no matter what you should be walking. Another great exercise is squats. Now I know what your response is going to be to that, but you are already doing them you just do not realize it. Every time you get up from the couch or down and back up off the toilet you are essentially doing a squat. So that is what I want you to do. While you are watching TV when the commercials come on, instead of fast forwarding through them (if you DVR), I want you to stand up and sit back down until the commercials are over or until you can't do it any more. Your legs are your biggest muscles in your body and they use the most energy so when you are sitting down and getting back up so many times you are burning the most energy you can in the shortest amount of time. If the couch is too low, start with a hard chair. You can also do this holding on to a door frame to keep you balanced. 












VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


on 7/7/14 10:25 pm - Fredericktown/Mansfield, OH

Keith thank you so much for taking he time to reply...I am definitely going to do my research on the sites you gave me..once again thank you


Gwen M.
on 7/7/14 3:17 am
VSG on 03/13/14

60 minutes yoga, 65 minutes on the treadmill. 

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

on 7/7/14 4:04 am, edited 7/7/14 11:31 pm - Selma(San Antonio), TX
VSG on 04/22/14

Not yet, but we joined the Y on 7/1 and have worked out every day since.  Doing one mile or more on treadmill and light weights.  I am using www.activtrax.com for my weight lifting regimen.


EDIT - did 1.3 miles in 25 minutes on treadmill(about 210 calories burned, Avg HB 139)and 30 minutes on weight training circuit.



Surgery Date 04-22-14 HW 2011 388(lost 60lbs on WW, regained 40) Surgery Consult Weight 1/10/14 - 367 SW 357 - CW 9/15 210.

Stalls are your body's way of telling you not to get too cocky.

5K - 1st 59:00(9/14) PR 33:45(9/15)

10K - 1:14(10/15) 1/2 - 1st 3/20/16

on 7/7/14 9:05 am

Keith, I'm gonna be your new stalker!!! LOVE your advice & kind words and HELPFULNESS!!! so I'm on the bandwagon!

45 on incline 3 on the arc trainer   &  30 minutes on TRX & weights



I'm 5'5"~HW 299(day I delivered my son 12/05) preop wt 269...11lbs lost preop diet...CW 193.8**ONEDERLAND - BABY!!** GW 150(I think???) 
I'm BACK!!! Been through HELL!! Getting Back to Onederland CW 210 UUGGH!!!
Kelly Jean
on 7/7/14 9:30 am
VSG on 04/08/14

Keith I love this post it holds me more accountable. .. After sitting by the pool with the family sipping on a crystal lite tropical coconut with a shot of rum. ... Cheers and very yummy !!! I had half ... we decided to go to the beach... so my daughter and I went for a nice long walk on the beach in the sand... that's the first time since surgery... Omg last year if I was able to do 10 or 20 ft without wishing I could crash...we walked at least a mile.... In the sand it felt felt great I wanted to keep going but the 14 year old was tired lmao!!!

Also did some leg lifts and crunches and upper arm exercises. .. 

I promise to me I'll do more tomorrow!!! :-)

 ♡ Kelly


Keith L.
on 7/7/14 9:40 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

Tsk tsk tsk you should be walking every day. But glad I could get you moving. 

This journey needs to be as much about fitness as it does about weight loss. Improving over all health. Let me know if you need ideas on exercising. It is addictive. 

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


Kelly Jean
on 7/7/14 9:47 am
VSG on 04/08/14

Any and all ideas are welcomed ... I try to do at least a 3 miles very brisk walk every day for 45 mins plus some arm and leg and tummy exercises I usually take 1 day a week off ... I want to be then and healthy and tone not just thin!!!! And honestly I really enjoy it!!! :-)

I just hired a new lady at work and it turns out she is in training for competition for body building.... I'm so shocked she is helping me out with some training. .. I don't want to buff up just keep tone...and fit :-)

♡ Kelly


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