Exercise, Nutrition, WLS, and Cooking Q & A - 4/11/2014

Keith L.
on 4/11/14 2:31 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

I haven't done one of these in a while. I am still here just been taking it easy through the move, new job, etc. Anywhooo....

If you have questions about Exercise, Nutrition, WLS, or Cooking. Fire away...

Let's Hear It!

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


on 4/11/14 2:39 am

Hi Keith!

It's great to see you on the boards.  

I'm wondering at what point am I overexercising -- or is there a point?  I have been steadily able to increase the amount of weights that I lift, but lately (the last few lifts), I have been feeling a bit weaker.  My running speed has been getting increasingly fast :) so I'm not really backpeddeling, but just surprised by the increased exhaustion after lifting.

This is my current schedule -- it fluctuates a bit, but in general:

Monday: Spin or Run (4-5 miles)

Tuesday: Spin or Run (4-5 miles) (alt of Monday)

Wednesday: Full body lift -- maybe some HIIT if I have energy-- this has been getting cut b/c of my exhaustion

Thursday: Spin & now Hockey (spring season just started)

Friday: 2-3 mile run & yoga

Saturday: Full body lift -- maybe some HIIT, rollerblading

Sunday: 2-3 mile run & yoga


I probably should have some kind of rest day planned, but it seems with life every week or week and a half something happens and I can't make it to the gym.  So I have kind of let those just happen naturally.  

Let me know if you think I should adjust this at all.


VSG: 12/12/13, LBL, small TL, BL/BA: 11/7/14 Twins 12/9/18 HW after Twins 260. 5'10 37 years old - Stacy_WLS (MFP)

Keith L.
on 4/11/14 3:25 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

The human body is an amazing thing, it will do whatever you tell it to and it will get used to it. So I don't think there really is an over exercising point. That being said you probably should build in a rest day or two. And it does not have to be a do nothing day. On my rest day I usually walk and/or do an ab workout. Doing an all body workout is probably contributing the most to your muscle fatigue. You are going all in with half a tank. You muscles use glycogen as fuel and while you build up glycogen stores from carbohydrates you are consuming a low carb diet. You will not have as much fuel as someone who eats normally. So you either need to get your body used to using fat for fuel or balance it out so you eat enough carbs to sustain your workout. That being said my recommendation is the fat route. I am guessing you have probably increased your carbs a bit using the "I work out like a fiend" defense and your body is not burning fat like you want it to and because its burning glycogen instead of ketones you are running out of gas. You could continue how you are doing it now just split your workout to do upper body one day and lower body another day.

Also, I am pretty sure I have given you my pre/post workout eating strategy speech, are you following that? protein an hour before and protein and whatever carbs you have planned within 30-60 mins after exercise? That will help a lot.

All of that being said there are lots of other things that cause fatigue in muscles. One is in your head and you might be getting bored with a particular exercise. I have one that I think is in my head. When I do bicep curls not matter if I do them first or do them last I get a wave of exhaustion like you wouldn't believe on about my 8th rep regardless of set. For the life of me I have not figured out what is causing it but it happens pretty much every time. I am guessing it is in my head because my biceps are not my biggest muscle, are not weak, and do not cause that much exertion. Magnesium and Potassium deficiencies can cause this too but if you are taking a multi-vitamin you are probably ok.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


on 4/11/14 7:06 am

Thanks - this is helpful.  

On Saturdays, I definitely follow the pre/post routine well.  On Wednesday lately, not so much.  I fix that this week and see if it goes better.  

I am consuming low carb, but not as low as many on here.  I have usually 40 -60 carbs / day.  Are you saying that by incorporating some carbs, my body is the not able to tap into fat when those carbs are gone?  

I'm sure the head fatigue has something to do with it as well.  Maybe I'll try a new playlist.  

Thanks again!

VSG: 12/12/13, LBL, small TL, BL/BA: 11/7/14 Twins 12/9/18 HW after Twins 260. 5'10 37 years old - Stacy_WLS (MFP)

on 4/11/14 3:06 am, edited 4/11/14 3:06 am - PA

Hi Keith  So glad to see you on the boards again was just wondering what happen to ya?   Flabby arms.. is it possible to reduce the jiggly wiggly of my arms?   I have started going to curves which is a circuit training work out  using  12 resistance machines and cardio in between. Anyway the curves "coach" told me that I could probably lose more weight in my arm but not really do much with the already loose skin.  I have 2 lbs free  weights and stretchy bands at home, is there something I could do every night that would help with the jiggly wigglies. My arms aren't huge, 12" just lose.   thanks deb

 HW 268   SW219   CW 181.2 surgery date 10/31/2013

       :<span class=


Keith L.
on 4/11/14 3:42 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

Two things, first your skin will retract a little bit. Mine has actually retracted nicely but I also brush the skin with a skin brush, I loofah, etc. so my skin is being pampered and nurtured. But arm skin is the worst because it is not particularly elastic, once it stretches it is stretched.

2nd the best way to get rid of loose skin is to fill it with something i.e. muscle. In addition to curves do some extra bicep curls and tricep extensions. Now here is the key, those 2 lb girly weights aren't going to cut it. You want your arms to hurt when you are done and that means you need to go heavy. It doesn't not mean you have to go crazy. If you are working out with 2 or 5s right now then get a 10 or 15 lbs dumbbell. Just one you can alternate arms. Using good form (super important), i.e. no swinging or using your body weight to gain momentum, curl the weight up. I am looking for you to only be able to do 3 or 5 reps. It should be really hard. Do 3 or 5, then switch arms and do 3 to 5. Rest a min and do it again. You want to do this until you can't do it any more. Once you can do 5 then start thinking about movie up in weight to maintain the difficulty level. Do this every other day. On the off days using the lighter weight hand weights I want you to do the same motion but quicker and do as many as you can (should be 50 or more), switch arms, same thing and try to do at least 3. Think Cardio for your arms. Your arms will be tired and sore.

Tricep extensions on the day you do heavy curls. Hold one end of the heavy dumbbell above and behind your head with both hands raised toward the ceiling. Lower the dumbbell behind your head by bending your elbows and then extend your triceps and push the dumbbell toward the ceiling. Your triceps are typically much stronger than other parts of your arms so don't be afraid to go heavy here but start out with a light weight just to learn the motion. These will hurt when you first start doing them.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


on 4/11/14 4:01 am

Hello Keith. I wanted some advise in regards to at home exercises. I have a recumbent bike and treadmill, so you think this will be affective for me? I also want to do weight training. I will definitely take your advise and get 10-15 pounds weights. Thanks.




HW: 333  CW:286  GW:175





Keith L.
on 4/11/14 5:20 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

Yes cardio is good for burning calories, but you can optimize your time on this equipment by using a High Intenstity Interval Training approach. There are a lot of approaches that you can google to find one you like but basically it goes something like this. 2 minutes at a moderate pace, 30 seconds at an all out pace, then 2 mins at a modeate pace then 30 seconds at a slow pace into 30 seconds all out back to  2 mins moderate and repeat that pattern for 20 mins.

Also when you walk on the treadmill, add in some incline otherwise the belt is just moving your feet, 2-4%. When running on a treadmill, dial in .5-1%. On the bike add in some friction or "hill", just enough so you feel it and you fatigue. otherwise you are just moving your legs in circles. You want to engage your muscles.

10-15 will be good for things like curls and should presses, but for bench presses and other big muscles you will want heavier. Also consider kettlebells and looking into some of the kettlebell exercises. Great workout.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


on 4/11/14 10:12 am - TN
VSG on 01/14/14

I just bought a kettlebell!  20lbs was what was recommended by most physical trainer blogs that I read.  (for the beginner, I mean)  Anyway, trying to figure out how to arrange my workout schedule to be doable with my work as well as effective.  I have a treadmill, kettlebell, and I do Tai Chi. 

On days I work, I work a 12 hour shift and my commute is 2 hours.  Having a 16 yo, a 5 yo, and a husband requires that I spend time with them.  I miss them a lot on my work days.  However, I have several days off during the week, too.  Those will be the days I can spend a lot more time working out.  The days I work need to be pretty short workouts (30 minutes or less probably).  Considering that I'm typically working 3, off 2, working 2 off 3, how would you suggest arranging the workouts? 

Is this question clear as mud?  haha


 M1 -26, M2 -14, M3 -14, M4 -12, M5 -12, M6 -11, M7 -10, M8 -12, M9 -5, Goal Reached 9 months and 14 days



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