Some more things you need to know about VSG (edited)

Lisa J.
on 3/25/14 7:51 am, edited 3/26/14 3:50 am - OK

1.  Never trust a fart. Every mammal on this planet has gas. Period. Just because we made a giant change in our life doesn't mean our bowels are going to appreciate it or get used to it any time soon. Most of you won't have a BM after surgery for longer than you'd ever considered. And then it could be like diarrhea or it will be rabbit pellets. If you were lucky and had consistent daily BMs prior to surgery. Those days are pretty much over, at least for now.

2. Abrupt changes in your diet causes gas and bloating too. Get yourself a box of gas strips and never be without one. They will be your best friend.

3. Journaling is a really great idea. Understandably there are a zillion emotions running through us. Group support for WLS is really important. If you cannot attend in person, be on here vigilantly. Trust me, it really helps. Really helps. Better yet, start your own group wherever you got your surgery. IMHO it should be mandatory.

4. Don't stock up on a bunch of anything. It may take you awhile for your taste buds to change, or it may be immediate. At any rate, unless you live in the jungle, just get what you think you need for a week, or even 4 days at a time. If you find something you DO like, go for it. Personally, I didn't plan for more than a couple days for myself even though I was also cooking for another.

5. Your taste buds or your stomach, or both, will revolt at some point. Doesn't mean it's forever. You've got nothing but time--take it!

6. Eventually your other hormones are going to kick in. You're going to feel sexy. If you are already in a relationship, be prepared!! Because your attitude changes, and then your body, guess what else happens??? This is why most surgeons say to really take pregnancy seriously--they KNOW that people are having more sex after surgery, and guess what??? THEY GET PREGNANT when they're still recovering from surgery!

7. Do you understand the reason that you lose weight on this procedure? It's not purely from restriction. When we load up on protein, and limit the carbs, our body is FORCED to burn stored fat instead of the crappy carbs we eat i.e; bread, pasta, rice, tortillas, potatoes. That is also the reason we limit fruits; too much natural carbs. Absolutely they are better than the white carbs, but you don't need them. Plenty of natural carbs in veggies. And that's really all we need.

8. Needs and wants are different.

9. About that sex thing; if you aren't in a relationship, please do yourself a favor and get this thing under your belt, on a streamlined course, and when you start getting hit on, PLEASE just take it as a compliment and move on. It's natural to want to act on something you may have never (or not in a long time) been complimented's not worth it. Kinda like that bite of cake. I'm not an old dead woman--I know what it's like to feel sexy and bull****ted. Trust me. Just take the compliment and then strut on.

10. I'm sure I'll think of more stuff tomorrow.

Carry on.

- - - - -

11. One day soon you will realize that your butt is sore. It's called a tailbone. It's never been able to say hello before. You will get used to it. In that vein, your car seat will have to move forward very likely and you'll have to readjust your mirror. Hmmmm. Those little things that you don't think about now.....

12. Your collar bones, wrists, hips start to a good way! You'll have to get used to that. Ladies with rings...perpare for a visit to the jeweler to resize!

13. You'll be able to clasp your hands over your stomach and NOT HAVE TO! It will be a choice you will enjoy.

14. Slimeys: Known by a variety of names, this is the feeling we get when we've eaten one bit too many, and trust me, you'll be prepared for the 2nd time!! One bite too many for most people, will immediately result in runny nose, hiccuping, sneezing or combination of any/all. And then when you start feeling a sort of metallic taste in your mouth and it starts making saliva--you'd better hit the toilet. NOW. Cuz you're gonna puke. This is simply one of the reasons that the surgeons tell you, BEG you to eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Gives your forkfull a minute to get there--and that's all it needs.

15. The other thing about this surgery is that by constricting your 'pouch' or stomach, you not only cut the enormous amounts of calories per meal, but the theory in practice is that if you CHOOSE to eat solid proteins first, you may have veggies 'if you have room'. Picture your new tummy as an ordinary kitchen funnel. You eat solid things that are mashed when they go down, but still fairly solid. There will be some tiny pockets of air in between all those chunks of food -- and at first your throat makes funny noises. My guess is because it's now a direct shot from the top to the bottom of your tummy. 

The reason you are not supposed to drink with a meal is that the water will pack down those pockets closer together and then continued drinking will mu**** up force it out of your stomach sooner than it needs to be able to absorb and give you nutrients and vitamins--and fullness! Empty creates more head-hunger. So, don't drink. It's only 30 mins between. Learn to use that time before and after with something else. I am not being clinically correct here, but you can imagine all of this, right?

15-B: So my own personal theory and what probably contributed at least a little to my slight regain is that if I eat something that I'm going to regret, why can't I drink it out of my stomach??? Hmmm. It might work. I don't know. But it's best just not to.

16. To me, there is NO food that tastes AS GOOD as trying on 10x smaller clothes!!!!!

17. You will probably lose a 1/2 or full shoe size.

18. Unless you have indiscretionary income, don't spend too much on anything clothes-wise the first couple months--you won't have a chance to get to come close to wearing it out! I've been a clearance shopper from birth, so I can get lots of quality designer duds for cheap with coupons (fave store Steinmart). They are on trend and fun, and nice to donate back to another surgical patient or charity. You won't have to shop at Lane Bryant or some other outrageous online overhyped large sized clothing shop.  You won't. Trust me. Window shopping is soooo fu too!!

19. You will lose volume of your hair. Since hairs fall out AFTER the new shaft is already started, people freak out when it's actually after the fact. Some people quite a bit they say, others not so much. What will NOT help is Biotene. Don't waste your money. What will be $$$ more worth it is getting a new short 'do'. Jeeeez it's not like you're gonna lose it like having chemo. If you think your complete and total value is your hair, well, that's just sad. It just happens the way it happens and there is no secret. It will come back. Having short sassy hair makes it way less noticible and less frustration for you.

20. Lather, rinse, repeat. LOL.

Lisa J
HW: 277   Day of Surgery: 234    CW: 161 Goal: 135 sounds good but....? Who knows!

HW/277   EVAL/260  PREOP/246  SURGERY DAY/243   CW/162 1/3/2011
on 3/25/14 9:42 am

There's a reason my surgeons form asks what form of birth control you use!  I've heard of several women who didn't take birth control after WLS seriously because they were told they had PCOS and it would be nearly impossible for them to get pregnant. Just a few months after GB or VSG they found themselves pregnant!

My surgeon said pregnancy is a no no until 18 months post op.

on 3/25/14 10:29 am

about #6......... so happy I am over all that getting pregnant thing.  Sometimes menopause is a good thing.  LOL

Tracy D.
on 3/26/14 12:51 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

Good stuff, Lisa! 

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































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