Jaded by my band, get excited by revision?

on 10/2/13 9:35 am, edited 10/2/13 9:36 am - TX
VSG on 12/16/13
I had my band done in 2008 by a very successful surgeon in NC. I never found my sweet spot, slimed all the time, food came back up at every meal. I also didn't lose much weight. 70lbs in all but 35 of that was during pre/post op diet. For anyone thinking I wasn't compliment with my band, I was. I worked so hard and got almost no results.<br />
I'm going in for a revision in the next few months and am having a sleeve. If you've had a revision done, was it better than the band in terms of just being able to swallow food? Were you able to lose weight? Are you really not physically hungry?
I want so much to be excited about the sleeve and to work hard but I am afraid of it being another dead end.


on 10/2/13 1:02 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Haven't had a band but having had a sleeve for 3.5 years,I can say I can swallow just fine and I expect you will be able to also. I have no hunger and have to eat by my phone alarm or I would starve to death. I can count no one hand the times I have been hungry.
I can eat anything,but choose to eat high protein and very low carb. I have lost 115# and kept it off. I am not at goal yet,but just keep trying every day to follow my plan. It is for the rest of my life after all.
on 10/2/13 11:57 pm - NY
VSG on 10/12/12 with

Hi there!  You sound just like me :)

I had my band in 2008, lost 50lbs and that was it.  Spent a year maintaining that loss but then got frustrated.  I could never find the so called "sweet spot", I always slimed and puked at EVERY meal no matter how slow I ate, and I had a terrible surgeon who didn't give two sh*ts about helping me.  He actually told me that it was my fault because I was eating "cheeseburgers and pizza every day" which btw was NOT TRUE.  I was eating a strict 1000 calorie, low carb, healthy diet and I still couldn't lose.  I left his office that day completely defeated and hysterically crying.  I thought to myself "this is my life now, what have I done?"

It took a while for me to get my confidence back and find a new surgeon that wanted to help me.  I finally found a surgeon who told me it wasn't my fault and that he could help me.  I decided to revise to the sleeve.  I had my band removed in July 2012 and my sleeve done (as well as a hiatel hernia repair) in October 2012.  I have to tell you, life is completely different.  I'm SATISFIED now whereas before I was still so hungry with the band.  I don't feel the urge to eat crappy food because with the band all I could keep down were slider foods.  The sleeve does what we were told the band would do.  Hunger is satiated, I can eat small portions and not feel cheated, I can eat HEALTHY meats/protein AND veggies in small portions and feel great.  There has been no puking/sliming for me in well over a year and I'm so happy.

In a year with my sleeve I've lost 80lbs (I started at 234) and I feel great.  Don't get me wrong, the sleeve is a TOOL just like every other WLS.  If you slip a bit, you WILL still gain weight but it is easier now to hop back on the wagon and lose.  I was scared that I would mess this up like I messed up life with the band but so far so good and I can honestly say to myself that it WASN'T my fault the band failed.  The band failed US, not the other way around.

To answer your questions, yes, I can swallow food with no problem.  Even if I get piggy-ish and eat too fast, no getting stuck or puking to be heard of.  Yes, I've lost a large amount of weight and yes I am really not physically hungry unless I go like 6 hours without food.  You have to make sure to eat your protein FIRST because that will keep you satisfied longer.  The sleeve is amazing and you will be happy you did it.  I wish you so much luck and if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

band to sleeve revision and loving life!

You do you, and I'll do me

on 10/3/13 12:12 am - TX
VSG on 12/16/13
Thanks so much for your response!


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