Going out of town - DIFFICULT!

on 5/27/13 11:14 am
VSG on 04/24/13
I decided to go to San Diego this past weekend with my 5 and 2 year old boys. Wow was this the most difficult trip ever. I'm 6 weeks post op and decided to take a bunch of protein shakes and Isopure clear drinks. Well the free continental breakfast was ALL carbs (danishes, muffins, toast, cereal, etc.) so I had a shake for breakfast. I took the boys to a museum and aquarium and was not allowed to bring in my shakes just bottled water. It was so tough finding food I could eat which made it difficult to meet my protein intake. Most of the time I skipped eating and waited until I was back in the car to drink something. I wasn't mentally or physically prepared for this....vacation wasn't much of a vacation.
VSG on 06/12/13
I feel you! I am heading into my preop diet this week and have been practicing with low carb and using MFP. Hubby has Hashimotos and is on a fairly strict diet. Twice this weekend we found ourselves without food we wanted to eat. We were talking this evening about how we needed to get better at planning ahead/keeping things on hand so we didn't get into trouble. This will certainly get easier with practice!


Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!

on 5/27/13 3:17 pm - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
It WILL get better, I promise. As you're able to eat more variety there will be things you can carry in your purse like quest bars and wee packets of almonds and baggies of jerky...

In the short term, a refillable water bottle and a small ziplock containing a scoop of your preferred shake powder and 1/4 cup of powdered milk will get you through a lot of tight spots. You can ge****er and ice most anyplace.



Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



on 5/27/13 3:33 pm - Davison, MI

If you get some thing , we have a card, that shows you had WLS-VSG, they usually allow the shakes.  It would be like telling a parent with a child on a feeding tube they can't take in the formula.  Most places will make exceptions for medical need.  

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 5/27/13 8:37 pm - CA
VSG on 06/05/13

can you please pass along the info on where and how you got your card please?

thank you

on 5/28/13 12:59 am - Davison, MI

My surgeon gave me the card when I was banded. Ask at your surgery center.  You can also get a medical bracelet engraved with the info that you had a partial gastrectomy.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 5/28/13 12:50 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

This would have been a good time to stick some protein bars,jerky string cheese way down at the bottom of your purse. I assume they were not checking pocketbooks,right?


Good on you for avoiding the carbs,but the above items will be a lifesaver for you.





on 5/28/13 3:06 am
VSG on 04/24/13

I was afraid if I did pack that and just my luck they'd check, I'd have to toss it out. The car was too far away to have to walk back with the boys to leave it in the car. Next time I'll make sure to eat right before entering so that I'm okay for a few hours. :)

on 5/28/13 1:02 am - CA

Even without a card--I'd tell them you either just had surgery or that you have severe allergies.  Stretching the truth, perhaps, but really--they have to allow you to bring in what you can have if they don't have things you can have.

I find travel difficult, too, especially with kids.  My dr. says "just eat at steakhouses," but when you're with kids, that's not always reasonable (or affordable).  It does get easier as you get further out.

Sarah, VSG Dr. Cirangle--12/28/12, HW: 265 SW: 253 GW: 130???

on 5/28/13 2:55 am, edited 5/28/13 2:59 am
VSG on 04/24/13

You're exactly right. I was on a budget so going out to a steakhouse wasn't exactly on the plan especially with little ones. I later went to a grocery store and purchased some greek yogurt and jerky and was able to eat that when we went to Balboa Park. I took the kids for a stroll and was able to eat then but while in the museums and places where we spent most of the day indoors and were not allowed food it was difficult. This was quite an eye opener and will definitely take that in consideration next time. I should've used the card Dr. Aceves gave me, but am glad things will get better the further out I am. One thing I did do is fit in my workout. I did quite a bit of walking with the stroller and playing at the beach in the sand for hours. It was nice to go back to the hotel, bathe the boys, and have them out as soon as they out their little heads ont the pillow. yes

The good news is that all that walking and running paid off. I weighed in today at 197.6 which puts me at ONEDERLAND!!! WOOHOO!!!
