Morning sickness & NO I am not pregnant!!!

on 5/17/13 8:10 am - WA
I'll be 3 months post-op on Monday & for the last 10 days or so I've been having a really hard time getting anything down when I first wake up in the morning. Yesterday, I threw up my 3 sips of water & the day before that I threw up Powerade Zero about 30 seconds after I had taken my morning meds & vits. I go to bed at night dreading the morning time.
I am not pregnant & yes I am 100% sure. I've had my period 6 times in the last 11 weeks & I checked.
Usually I'm able to get right up in the morning & drink as much water as I want to while taking my meds & vits & have my 11oz Premier Protein Chocolate shake but lately this is not the case. I feel so weak & tired all of the time. I have 0 energy & I mean -0 energy.
Come the afternoon & late evening time I start to feel much better because I've been able to get in some liquids & protein.
It's almost like I have to wait for my stomach to wake up but I never know when that's going to be. I'm getting frustrated more & more every morning. I don't want to live this way. It sucks!!!
on 5/17/13 9:22 am - OR
VSG on 03/18/13
My thought is to call your surgeon's office.
Its too risky not to.
on 5/17/13 9:44 am - NH

I can tell you that my sleeve preferred to be empty in the morning early on.  It could be that you are experiencing acid.....are you on a PPI? You may want to try taking something at night before bed and see if it's better in the am.  I know that it took over two years for the acid to reduce.

LilySlim - (TZ0U)

Maintain daily activity levels and practice clean eating........still battling some unhealthy behaviors!

on 5/17/13 10:50 am - WA
I take omeprazole every morning when I get up, of course only when I'm not feeling sick.
I've never really had to deal with heart burn, I didn't ever have it before my surgery but my doctor wanted me to take It post-op.
(deactivated member)
on 5/17/13 2:03 pm
VSG on 06/04/12
I have to take my vitamins as night before I go to bed because they actually make me a bit nauseated. I take my omeprazole in the morning but everything else at night.

Check with your Dr because you shouldn't be that tired at 3 months out so you may need some blood work.
on 5/17/13 2:29 pm
VSG on 09/17/12

When are your next full bloods due?  Sounds like you are short of a few things (B12 would be my guess if you are tired) :)

I don't eat anything before 9am, but I have always been like that.  Eating first thing in the morning always made me feel sick and that hasn't really changed since surgery.  But talk to your doc when you see him about your bloods.

Suzy wink (Age: 41, Height: 6'1,  SW: 169.4kg/372lb.  CW: 80.5kg/177lb.  Total lost: 88.9kg/195lbs)





on 5/17/13 7:06 pm - WA
I have yet to do full labs. I think my doctor did them once at my first post-op visit & then he does them again at 3 months post-op which is why I don't get them drawn until next week for my appt. on the 31st.

I got my B-12 shot almost 3 weeks ago so I'm due for another one at my 3 month post-op visit.

I've also had my period 6 X's in the last 11 weeks and it's drained me.

I just want to be able to eat when I wake up in the morning without feeling sick every day.
on 5/17/13 8:18 pm - College Station, TX

Hilary, your periods sound very reminiscent of mine!!!  Ugh.  For the past 2 months, I have had 3 periods and they each last about 2 weeks.  Im so tired of bleeding.  i have been taking my birth control as I should, but i wonder if the rate is absorbed (or not absorbed) differently than before.  Im like you, I wonder what my Iron level is gonna look like when I do have my labs drawn.  On the other issue, sometimes people have to take 2 PPI's a day.  One in the morning and one at night.  If you are throwing your vitamins up in the morning, it does sound like your stomach is too acidic for them.  You may try switching your omeprazole to nights for a few days to see if that helps and then tell your doc on your next visit.  or if your not worried about it, try taking the one in the morning if you can get it down, then take one at bed.  See if that helps.  Be careful though, with most PPI's they are magnesium depleting and you can suffer BAD leg cramps.  Take this from someone who knows.  I kept taking my omeprazole everyday and having the most horrible leg cramps.  I mean rolling on the floor in agony.  Finally after like 3 failed doctor appointments, my thyroid doc said "oh yea, its probably your acid reducer causing it.'.  sure enough it was!!!  Wishing you better days.  Hang in there!!!



on 5/18/13 3:49 am - AL
VSG on 02/19/13
Try taking your meds later in the day. Vitamins we're making me throw up inthe beginning.
on 5/18/13 4:52 am
VSG on 03/28/13

I'm almost 2 months po and I'm the same way.  I can't eat anything until I've been up a couple of hours.  I can sip on things (other than water) but no big gulp like I can later in the day.  I feel yuck for a while.  Wonder if it's just a phase??


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