Please Give Me Some Encouragement

Valarie L.
on 2/18/13 1:32 am - TX
VSG on 10/02/12


I am still stalled and I am getting really discouraged.  I have lost and gained the same 2 pounds for about 2 months.

I have increased my exercise and am "working out" everyday - either doing low impact aerobics or doing C25K on the treadmill everyday.  I also use weights or resistance bands everyday.  This is a big increase in exercise over the last couple of months and I was hoping that it would help to break the stall but it hasn't helped at all.

I have increased my water intake to at least 80 oz a day.  My protein is always between 75 and 90.  My calories vary between 500 and 900.  Carbs are always low too - under 40.  I eat protein first, then veggies.  I don't drink within an hour of eating.

My measurements haven't changed much either.  I am scared that this is it, this is all that is going to come off. 

I know this is a common post - "Help I'm in a Stall"  and I'm sorry for yet another one, but I could really use some encouragement.

5'9"  HW - 295   SW - 270   CW - 201


Keith L.
on 2/18/13 1:41 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12
For me when I was in a similar situation I increased my fat to around 35 to 45 grams per say and the scale started to move again. I noticed that when I had low fat periods they coincided with my stalls.

It may also be time to change up your exercise. I just had to increase my cardio because I wasn't even sweating anymore. Try some cross fit or P90x exercises just to change it up.

Is the 80oz of fluids water or other liquids? Remember plain water cleanses and flushes. When you add stuff (other than lemon juice) just gunks up the system.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog -

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at


Valarie L.
on 2/18/13 2:41 am - TX
VSG on 10/02/12
The exercise I mentioned is actually after I changed it up. I increased intensity and length of workout and keep my heart rate between 130 and 160. As far as water, it's only good ol' plain H2O.

5'9"  HW - 295   SW - 270   CW - 201


Keith L.
on 2/18/13 2:53 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12
If you track your daily food go back and see what your fat levels are at. You may not be getting into ketosis because your fat levels are too low.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog -

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at


Keith L.
on 2/18/13 2:56 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12
That heart rate you may be into cardio rather than fat burn. My target heart rate at 45 years old is 114 for fat burn.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog -

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at


Jeannette M.
on 2/18/13 1:53 am - CA
VSG on 10/22/12

I was going to suggest changing up the exercise, and adjusting the types of foods you eat, but Keith beat me to it.  I recently went to see my NUT, and she had concerns that I wasn't eating ENOUGH!  My calories range from 600-800 as well.  She said she'd like me to be close to 900 to 1000 at this point. 


2003 HW 522lbs - SW (JIB) 511lbs - LW 370lbs   2012 HW 377lbs - SW (VSG) 364lbs - CW 200


(deactivated member)
on 2/18/13 2:49 am

All I can tell you is what I would do and you are going to have to make a decision whose advice to follow.  I would keep my calories consistently around the 600 and increase my protein to about 100 grams.  I would lower my carbs to under 20 and drink about 100 ounces of water a day.  I would commit to doing this for about three weeks and then reevaluate.  I would not increase calories.  As a matter of fact, that is exactly the last thing that I would do.

on 2/18/13 2:58 am - Frisco, TX
Elian, this is the same thing my Dr said in our support group to another VSGer who was going through the same thing. You're right on point.
on 2/18/13 3:37 am - MO
VSG on 10/16/12

I was in a very similar boat. Stalled for 3 weeks after I started some intense workouts (intense for me as I NEVER worked out before) and I followed Elina & Frisco's advice. Upped my protein even more, upped my water even more, kept my calories low (abt 650) and carbs around 30gms and magically the scale has began to move again. 3lbs in the past 3 days. Stay consistent. Follow the plan and it WILL break. I know how discouraging and heartbreaking it can be, I was JUST there! 

on 2/18/13 5:13 am
Matthew 6:24-27 (NIV)   Do Not Worry 6:25-33pp—Lk 12:22-31[25] “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? [26] Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  [27] Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life ?


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