? Farther out Weight Gain

on 8/7/11 2:25 am
I was just wondering from those that are farther out, if you have had any weight gain.  My doctor tells me to lose 20 more than my goal because I will put about that much back on.  Is that anyone experience?
"Be content at whatsoever state you are in."  Phil. 4:11                      
Still Fawn
on 8/7/11 2:38 am - SIERRA MADRE, CA
Almost 3 years out, still maintaining easily, still great restriction.

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

on 8/7/11 3:20 am - Norfolk, VA
That would put You and a very skeletal 100lbsif I got by your goal weight in you ticker.....there's no way idle afraid you would whips away in the wind at 100lbs now if you are 5" even then that's different I guess
on 8/7/11 3:45 am - Four Corners, NM
Re-gain is a possibility in ALL WLS!  Its INDIVIDUAL...its an absolute FEAR...who can predict- injury, illness, stress, diasaster, NOT only slackin on diet going back to OLD patterns of behavior/FAILS....that can have an impact on RE-GAIN!

VSG is for LIFE! .... beyond that first year... when E-Z peasy the weight magically falls of us!
Maintenance...is definately TOUGHER!

SO......YES!! I Re-GAINED!!  25 pounds by my 2nd year!...

Came BACK here...got INVOLVED with my plight once again...REFUSED to settle, make excuses, had lab work done to make sure there was nothin METABOLICALLY wrong....

and Ive lost all but 3 pounds of my re-GAIN in 4, 5 months maybe! Dietary modifications, and steppin up the exercise iow...BACK TO BASICS

VSG has got my back ......this time around!

Will ReGain happen to YOU...I dunno!  Im tellin ya...if you do reGain...OVER 5 pounds of YOUR (not your surgeon's) GOAL WEIGHT.....TIME TO PUT ON THE BRAKES!!  Its so much easier stayin ontop of 5 pounds re-gain........than 25!  Hindsight is 20/20!
on 8/7/11 7:50 am - Davenport, IA
I'm 16 months out and I'm still losing slowly - like 2lbs a month, but if I eat off plan I don't lose at all, so I can see how easily it would be to gain. Its a conscious effort each day and i balance it all with working out 5/6 days a week too. If i go up a lb or two its usually TOM but ive also gone up when ive eaten badly so i try to keep it at a minimum...its also the summer that's more difficult for me. Personally I think it will be okay for me in maintenance as I'm watching it all the time - not obsessively but just its a habit now. I won't allow myself to go up over 2lbs. Haven't yet and that's my point where I know I need to be solidly back on plan.


Linda J.
on 8/7/11 8:59 am - MyTown, NY

I'm 5 years out this week.  I lost 150 lbs and after 2-3 years I started slowly regaining and regained a total of 25 lbs.  I then had some medical issues and needed to go on Lyrica and gained 10 lbs from the meds.  It's now a real struggle as it seems the Lyrica is hindering my weight loss.  My condition has gotten worse and unfortunately, I'm going to have to up the medication....I'm frustrated.  Mostly at myself for the initial 25 regain. 

Can you regain....yes.  With any wls you can regain. Unfortunately, many of us don't stop at a 5 lb gain...it sort of creeps up on you and one day your clothes are tight and you get on the scale and want to scream!!!!

But, let me assure you, at 5 years out I have amazing restriction!  3-4 oz of chicken and a couple of spoons of veggies and I'm full; 3/4 cup lentil soup fills me up; 2 oz turkey, 1 oz lt cheese and a slice of whole wheat bread and I'm done! 

All the best! 



Linda                                               (Favorite Recipes are on My Profile)
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin 





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