
on 6/16/11 4:13 pm - OH
I haven't been on in quite a while.  I am sitting here with my stomach feeling like it is going to explode.  Why can't I comply?  I am so frustrated.  While I have lost weight, I am stuck in a rut.  I have only lost about 28 lbs since my surgery April 6th. 

I am not sure why I am not losing the weight, but it put me back in this place of shame and wanting to eat because of it.  I know if I eat vegetables that I will get full, so why don't I choose them? 

I am struggling because my doctor wants me to have at least 75 grams of protein per day.  The only way to do that is with protein bars and drinks and before I know it I have eaten over my calorie limit for the day. 

Someone please tell me how to do this.  I thought once I had the surgery and I saw the weight loss that I would not want to eat poorly anymore......   I feel like I obsess about food in a different way now.  Before it would always be, what sounds good today and now it is how many carbs, proteins, fats have I eaten. 

Oh and what happened to cutting out the part of the stomach that produces hunger?  That is complete utter bull crap!  I still get hungry, and no it is not head hunger.   My stomach still growls, and I feel hunger pangs.  Sorry about the rant everyone, but I feel this added pressure to lose a ton of weight because I have been blessed with this tool.  I am so afraid I am going to just ruin the whole thing and gain the weight by stretching my stomach back out or eating things I shouldn't.
on 6/16/11 4:30 pm - OH
P.S.  I have also had alcohol and for some odd reason I could not even get a buzz.  I had probably 4 diet coke and vodkas.... nothing.  WTF?  Everything I was told about this surgery has turned out to be a lie.  I wonder just how much of this is a mental game the doctors play to make you think you can't do things, so when you try it you trick yourself into believing what they have told you?
wade 1.
on 6/16/11 4:41 pm, edited 6/16/11 4:42 pm - TX
 Wish I had some words of wisdom, but I don't.  I'm sure some of the more  senior sleevers will jump in and put you back on the losers bench.
on 6/16/11 4:59 pm - Harbor City, CA
Please add me as a friend and lets chit chat..... :o)
Lets use meebo ( live chat )

                      ✿ L♦O♦V♦E ✿ & ✿ P♦E♦A♦C♦E ✿ღ ✿ & F♦R♦I♦E♦N♦D♦S ✿ ღ
                         "Keeping The Faith!"   "Slim by Summer!"
                                    HW: 250 - SW: 241  - CW: 154.7GW: 140  

 1 month: 22 pounds (2162 months: 12.2 pounds (203.8)  3 months: 10.6  (193.2)
 4 months: 9.7  lbs  (183.5)  5 Months:   6  pounds  (177.5 ) 
6 Months: 12 lbs ( 165.5)
 7 Months 7.1 lbs (158.4) 8 Months +1.6 pounds(159.8) 9 Months 2.7 pounds (157.1)
10 Months 8.1 lbs (149) 11 months +2 pounds ( 151) 1 YEAR!!!  2.6 pounds (148.4)

                                  Hit "One-derland April 9th, 2011   (199.7)

                                  "Half-Way Goal" April 25th, 2011 (194.8)

                                  "Happyland 80`s" May 14, 2011  (189.6)

                                   "Groovyland 70`s"  June 20th 2011  (179.9)

                                    " HippyDippyland 60's"  July 16th  (169.8)

                                       " CQQL-land 50`s"  August 25th ( 159.8)

                        "Normal BMI"   24.8  October 21st, 2011 (154.5) I am 5`6

                                 "AWESOME-land 40's" Dec 1st 2011  (149)

                              "Century Club 100 Pounds"  Dec 1st 2011  (149)

                                        ' ONE YEAR SURGIVERSARY!!!"

                                           Two Year Surgiversary!!!"


on 6/16/11 9:37 pm
hi aaron, yea it seems like after wls weight would fall off cause all the food changes and limits........but for me i lost almost all the weight i wanted to but it wasnt fast,thank good-ness my surgeon made my new tummy very small, so small at first a glass of h20 would over fill me,but the pds didnt want to leave very fast, but the good news after around the 3 months mark everything finally started kicking in, pds melted so fast, i oftend wonderd where in the hell did all the fat go, it just wasnt there......sound strange? yea im sure it does, but just keep up what your suppose to do, give it more time, it will work-out, just believe.......take care.....tracy.
e/diet/dietticker/dietticker.php" ticker/dietticker.php" e>>dge/dietticker/dietticker.php" >edge/dietticker/dietticker.php" >Weight Loss Ticker

on 6/16/11 9:47 pm - TN
Hey Aaron, welcome back! Sorry to hear you've been struggling.

Because I still have significant restriction, I also struggle to meet my daily protein intake and must rely on a shake to supplement. (In full disclosure, I haven't been doing great sticking to my plan the past couple of weeks as I'm struggling with not wanting to eat really at all, but thats another story)

Is that why you need to rely on bars and shakes as well? Because you have too much restriction with dense protein?

Most people on this forum will warn you that protein bars are just glorified candy bars, and I have to agree with them. While it is ideal to stay away from them completely, I must admit I do usually eat a protein bar in the morning for breakfast and find this doesn't push my carbs or calories out of whack if the rest of my day is dense protein. It may be the type of bar you are choosing. Which one do you prefer? You may need to switch to one that is very low sugar and as low in carbs as possible.

Same goes with the shakes...if a shake is pushing you over your calorie limit, it may be the wrong shake. Which one are you using?

When you are eating solid food, what are you eating? How much dense protein can you eat in a sitting?

Give us an idea of your daily intake and maybe we could better help.

Don't be ashamed. Everyone has struggles and it is not everyone does lose their hunger. I think you were really smart to come back and ask for help. There are some really great people on this board and maybe with some tweaking of your intake you will start seeing results again.

Best of luck,


on 6/16/11 10:23 pm - New Orleans
Yesterday is yesterday.  What about TODAY and TOMORROW?  What are YOU going to do to fix YOU?

For now, screw vegetables, screw protein bars... Hell, even screw 75 grams of protein a day if you can't get it in 3 or 4 meals.

-25 gram protein, low-carb protein shake mixed w/ water or 1 carb almond milk for breakfast.

-Tuna salad or roast beef w/ cheese for lunch

-Grilled fish or steak for dinner.

-Small piece of cheese or dense protein as a snack or 4th meal.

Keep it to 600-800 calories per day, high protein, super-low carb.

MAKE IT HAPPEN, DUDE!  No one can do this for you.  Take charge of your life!  This is a new day.

Current weight: 170 lbs.

Once I reach goal, this cow will be killed & eaten... 2 ounces at a time.

Total includes 56 lbs. lost on 2-month low carb pre-op diet.  Start date 9/13/10.

Lori B.
on 6/16/11 10:35 pm
Quick question on the hunger. Are you on a PPI to reduce your stomach acid? Acid can mimic hunger so if you aren't on one you might want to try prilosec for a couple weeks and see if that helps.


   HW 286.5   GW 155   CW 153
on 6/16/11 10:45 pm

Unfortunately, I still get hungry too :(  My surgeon wanted me to eat 3 meals, and 3 "snacks" of milk a day.... Since I go 6-6.5 hours between meals, I ended up STARVING long before mealtime.  I ended up replacing some of my milk snacks with cheese snacks, and it's really helped to reduce my hunger. I try to eat something small every 3 hours or so.

Here is how I get my protein in:
- High protein breakfast (usually omelette made with one egg and reduced fat cheese)
- Breakfast snack (latte- has one cup of skim milk in it)
- Breakfast snack 2, if I get hungry around 10 (babybel cheese or similar)
- High protein lunch (2 oz lean meat, followed by veggies if I have room)
- Pre-gym aftenoon snack (babybel cheese or similar)
- High protein dinner(2 oz lean meat, followed by veggies if I have room)
- Glass of milk (with protein powder, if necessary)


CW: 130ish HW: 264 SW:254 Hgt: 5'2

Goals-Dr:159-MET Mine:140-MET!!! Final Goal: 135-MET!!!!!

W4:-22 W8:-11 W12:-10.5 W16:-12 W20:-11.5 W24:-9.5 W28:-8 W32:-7.5 W36:-8 W40:-7.5 W44:-5 W48: -4.5 1Yr/W52: -7

Sandy S.
on 6/16/11 10:52 pm
I just got my sleeve on Monday, so i don't have great advice.  I will say from my experiences,  beating myself up foe mistakes won't help but rather are likely to make you eat more.  Best Wishes
"Step by step the longest march can be won,"  Sweet Honey and the Rock- Peace, San  HW 463 Surgery: 6/13/11; SW 413      
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