Question for the Veterans about vitamins

on 6/4/11 12:27 am - Danforth, ME
I have a question for the VSG veterans.  Along with my blood pressure, thyroid, cholesterol and depression meds I also take a lot of vitamin supplements per the recommendation of my PCP.   Some of those pills are monsters.  Should I be talking to my PCP about getting liquid forms of my meds, especially antidepressent?  Should I plan on ordering powdered or liquid versions of many of my vitamin supplements to mix into a protein drink rather than swallow the pills.  I've done some research and found powdered or liquid forms of many of the supplements that I take like magnesium, glucosamine sulfate, CoQ, vitamin E, flax seed oil, etc...  Would like to hear your opinions. 

I am gagging and vomiting adverse to the less aggrevation to my new tummy the better. 

HW - 351 SW 0 342  SurgW - 298!  1st. Seminar July 2010 Surgery  August 1, 2011  
(deactivated member)
on 6/4/11 12:46 am - Woodbridge, VA
I started swallowing regular pills the day I came home from the hospital. Actually, I was still taking my little birth control pill daily while IN the hospital. I've never taken a liquid or chewable form of anything since my surgery. If you have anything in capsule form, you should be able to open the capsule and mix the powder into a liquid or something like yogurt maybe. If you have large tablets, you should be able to cut them in half if needed. If you WANT to seek out the liquid or powdered forms of everything, of course, you're welcome to, especially if it makes you feel more secure about being able to take everything you need early post-op, but you may find you don't need to go to all the trouble.
on 6/4/11 1:31 am - Cleveland, TN
agree with jillybean, but you seem to be taking a large quantity of these, so would space out the intake throughout the day. I took my small capsules within a week of surgery, and just left them off for first few days. I could only sip and swallow liquids at that time. My doctor just said that I could resume them depending on the size and ease of swallowing. I did not like the chewables, and did not like the idea of crushing and tasting the meds as they went down. My tummy was queasy enough without this added challenge.
One thing I did do, is hold capsules in the back of my mouth for a minute or so to soften them before swallowing. Probably overkill, but it worked for me, so I kept it up for a few weeks.


Wishing you all the best, Carol       
count your blessings!!!!   At goal weight.   I am 5 ft 3.    


(deactivated member)
on 6/4/11 1:35 am
Some of my meds and my supplements are huge!  I have taken them all since day one in the hospital.  You can get a pill cutter if they are the large capsule shaped tablet and cut them in half if that makes it easier for you or you can crush them and take them with a teaspoon of applesauce.  I didn't do all that.  Some of mine are larger than the ursodiol but I find I can take half of one of those along with my Co Q 10 and my ppi all at one shot.  I take 15 am pills and 18 pm pills and don't have any problems but I do take them a few at a time and take them slowly.
on 6/4/11 2:15 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Holy Sheeeeeeeettt Stephanie, WHY, so many? Inquiring mind!..LOL



Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie

(deactivated member)
on 6/4/11 10:55 am
LOL!  I have stage 3 Liver disease...I am losing weight so I will be allowed to have a transplant when the time comes (end stage 4 ).   I have to take massive amounts of supplements so that my body will absorb some of the nutrients.  I have malabsorbtion from liver disease which is why I didn't want and my drs didn't want me to have RNY or DS.  It is an autoimmune disease so there is no cure. 
on 6/4/11 2:20 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
3 years out this week, and haven't had any problems. But, I haven't had to take any large amout of pills. Still don't do Vitamins and supplements. Labs always come back Very good. Getting what I need from food.



Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie

sleeve genie
on 6/4/11 3:42 am - Alhambra, CA
i was told to not start taking supplements until 2 weeks out and the bigger ones i cut into smaller pieces.   My meds,  that i got off after about 2 1/2 weeks i crushed and took in a spoon of chocolate pudding.  but i have had no problems swallowing pills,  good luck to you   :o) jeani
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

Sassy 1
on 6/4/11 4:29 am
My doc's advice was to not take whole vitamins, but only chewable.  His thought is not enough time for the stomach to dissolve the hard multi-vitamins and that I wouldn't be getting the full benefit of the vitamin (would essentially go right through me).  But I HATE chewing or swallowing chewable vitamins.  It sounds like those that do take whole vitamins still have good labs, so who knows.  I think this surgery is so new that even the docs are going with what feels right to them.  I think as long as you're planning on getting labs often enough, any deficiencies would be cought soon enough to not cause harm.  And with the antidepressant, see if it affects how you feel ding whole- unless your doc advises liquid. is a good resource for cheaper vitamins- I did GNC first and ended up returning most after checking the site out- so much cheaper!

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