For those who had sleeve with gall bladder removed

on 4/26/11 2:49 pm - La Puente, CA
Do you see a slow progression on the scale? I dont weigh and measure my food perhaps i should and I do go to the gym 45 minutes daily i am wondering if the two surgeries at once had any impact. I even Gained.. (sigh) I do have to admit I do try to drink as much fluids as i can (crystal light & water) but only about 32 oz..
i look forward to your reply
Jan in Cali,  5ft  Sw 224                       
on 4/26/11 4:06 pm - holt, MO
 How much have you lost?  I dont have a gall bladder and I have lost about 28 lbs since surgery on 3/19.  I also had a three week stall that started on my second week and ended last week.

Now I am losing about a 1 lbs a day.

I bet you are just gaining water weight and facing a small stall.  Watch your sodium intake.  Your legs alone can hold up to ten pounds of fluid ( a little over a gallon) but they would be swollen.  I had to start a water pill (lasics) becuase I retaining over a gallon in my lower legs.

Stick to your plan and keep calories under 800 a day and you should lose weight.
on 4/26/11 4:11 pm
 Hi There,

I had both surgeries at the same time, and have not had any of the issues you've been having.  I've lost over 135 pounds....but one thing I always do is track my food intake.  I know how easy it can be to forget to chart those little bites of this and that you might eat throughout the day, and it can really add up if you don'****ch it.  Plus, I stick to 1000 calories or less per day (usually less).  Hope things start looking up for you real soon....hang in there.  :)
Kelley D.
on 4/26/11 11:25 pm
Hello, I had my surgery a couple days after you with the gallbladder removal. I'm sorry you are having a slow start, I have not seen it has made a difference for me. I  do not weigh or measure my food and have lost 25 lbs since surgery and 16 lbs on the pre op diet... I have noticed the more water i drink the better it come off.  Best of wishes!

Height: 5'8"  Start weight:316 My goal: 190 Surgeons goal:175. reached my goal... 3years out, had some bounce back time to get back on track!

Leslie B.
on 4/27/11 1:26 am - MO
I had both surgery's at once and my surgeon says that I am doing great.  I am following the plan as closely as I can and I try to exercise every other day because I work alot.  So, I think you may just be loosing a little slower than some of us, but it is ok!  Don't fret, all of the sudden you will drop alot at once and you will be very surprised.  And loosing slow is much healthier than too fast.  I stahled for 10 days and all the sudden I dropped 4lbs.  So it will happen for you.  Keep your chin up and try to drink more water, it really does help.  Luv ya and good luck!  Leslie
"I am so happy with my new life, would not change it for anything!"
on 4/27/11 4:07 am - La Puente, CA
  I wanna say thanks! I woke up and viewed the responses and I am going to follow your suggestions and the retaining water thing gave me food for thought. I still buy fast food to supplement my diet (chili beans re fried beans) I even thought perhaps the years of constant yo yo dieting caught up with me. I currently at steady at 20 pounds loss some days a bit less some days a bit over but basically that 20 pounds. I feel grateful to found this site and hear the reassurances from others. I like the thought I am a slow healer makes me think perhaps I'm healing more thoroughly i guess logging of the food is necessary (I'm just lazy) I am also trying not to eat past 6 that's tough. I am out of work for 3 more weeks and I think once i get in a regular routine not so sedentary that might kick start me. Hope to be posting soon of a size smaller,
thanks for the replies
Jan in Cali,  5ft  Sw 224                       
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