Trouble with hubby/family members

Lynda D.
on 1/28/04 4:23 pm - Provo, UT
Has anyone here had trouble convincing their spouses or other family members that this is what they need? My husband isn't too supportive right now. It's fear. He doesn't want me to do anything life threatening. I can understand that. This is, after all, big time major surgery. Right now I'm having trouble convincing him that this is what will work. He keeps saying I should just exercise more, eat less, yada yada yada. Done all those things, didn't work. It's easy for him to say these things, he doesn't have obesity in his family. I asked him, why don't you go on some major diet/exercise plan then? I've never seen him diet and exercise as hard as I've dieted and exercised. He doesn't have to, you see. And what's worse is his eating habits are worse than mine. So frustrating. I'm going to have to keep working on him. This is what I want and need. Anyone else encounter this problem? Lynda
on 1/29/04 7:47 am - Holladay, UT
Hi there! Me again! It's really hard when you decide on something for yourself and others don't agree...especially on weightloss. I, unfortunately, had gotten so fat that others were happy to see me do anything! My hubby has been great and so I have to work on him dieting. Heart disease and super high cholesterol run in his family. My suggestion is to sit in front of the computer with your husband and research together. Have him post his questions on the lapband message board... that is full of banders. This message board is for UTAH and has mostly bypass patients. I'm sorry, I'm assuming you are looking into the lap band cause I saw Dr. McKeen on your profile...(he moved to CA BTW) Anyway, I would love to keep in touch and help you out and answer any questions I can! Good Luck! Tasha
Baby Blues
on 2/1/04 10:54 am - Roy, UT
Hi Lynda, Me again from an earlier post you made about food storage. It's completely understandable about your hubby not being to supportive. He hasn't done the research you have. The best thing you can do is get him involved. Compramise. Tell him you won't sneak into surgery if he will attend a seminar on it where he can get some info and ask all the questions he needs too. LOL. Anyway, provide him with data, men seem to need that to process things in thier heads. Also be sure to remind him that you don't want leave this earth to soon and you intend to spend as much time with him as you can. I told my husband that I had a few pounds hanging around that he wasn't married too. He isn't thrilled but he understands. Best of luck. Tamara Shaw Clinton, UT
Lynda D.
on 2/1/04 4:36 pm - Provo, UT
Actually my husband and I had a long talk about this. My insurance requires that I have a six month doctor assisted weight loss program which I don't have. I've absolutely got to do this so there is my just-one-more-time-last-ditch-effort diet that just might be the answer. That's what my husband thinks I need to do so that's what I'm going to do. Thanks to my insurance. He fears for and, let's face it, I fear for me. I don't want to spend the rest of my life vomiting three times a week or going in and out of hospitals with endless complications. I just want to be normal. But I'm not normal so I need to do what I need to do. Hubby's coming around a bit. Lynda D.
Tamera T.
on 2/26/04 2:29 pm - West Jordan, ut
Dear trouble with Hubby I had my surgery Oct 2-03 I am 61 pounds down and still can not believe it. It has been the best thing for me, My hubby and family know how hard I have struggled but where not happy untill I really had a heart to heart with them, I explained how yes i could die BUTT I was already dying alittle each day and I believe in a higher power that softened there minds and hearts they some how came around with support and compassion, they knew i wanted there blessing but it came down to the fact that i had tryed everything and this was my decision. I had type 2 diabeties, no period for ever, high lipids. death warrents in the long run, I am soooo happy to say that i had my first period last month and my blood tests where great no more high sugar in this girl. Keep the faith listen to your heart. Your husband will come around, study as much as you can ask questions remember knowledge is power. God Bless. Tammy
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