Possibly moving to Utah from Texas?

on 8/6/09 3:46 am - TX
Howdy folks! 

My husband, myself and our children may be relocating to Utah from Texas due to my husbands company.  Right now we live about 1 hour from the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  I was curious as to exactly how big the Salt Lake area was?  Is it pretty comparable to Dallas in size?  We don't want to live right in the hustle and bustle of a big city.  We'd like to live maybe out in a surrounding town but, close enough to the city that we can hop in the car and go shopping and out to eat!

Any suggestions?  Ideas? Pros-cons- advice?

It's kinda nerve racking moving out of state to a new place where you know nothing about the town or area.  What are the school systems like?  We have a 1st grader this year.  We'd also need a new good dentist, pediatrician and I'd need a follow up surgeon.  I'd hate to move and have problems 2 years out from my RNY.  I haven't' had any thus far...but we cant predict the future.

Anyways......Thanks in advance!

Ash :)

RNY 8-6-2007 stats 5'3"  HW-240  SW-232  LW-127 GW-120  CW-135   
Plastics round #1 on 3-23-2011 BL/BA 575cc & 550cc Silicone under the muscle     
Married 9 yrs with 3 kids- Savannah 8, Skyler 2 & Bryder 1

LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat

on 8/12/09 9:16 am - provo, UT
Hi, My name is Jennifer my family and I moved here 3 1/2/ years ago, I can't wait to get the heck out of here , just my opinion, it has been quite a culture shock for me and I am done!!!! Good luck to you and your family and if you are LDS you will fit in fine ;-) Luck to you, Jennifer

This has been a journey and I'm am so thankful to have my family by my side through it all ;-)
on 8/14/09 12:28 am - Orem, UT
Hello My name is Brook Gardner and i just had my lap band surgery and was browsing and found you. i am also a realtor in the area so i can help in that way as well.
since i used to live in hurst and worked in richardson i can say there are alot of similarities but dallas is definently biger. i live out side salt lake 30 minits which is probably what ou will want.
my email is [email protected] my web site is www.isellutah.com feel free to contact me for any help.
on 8/15/09 5:16 pm - Bowie, MD
Hi Ash

We moved here five years ago to Hill Air Force Base North of Salt Lake...about forty-five minutes.  I grew up in Garland and North Dallas. We absolutly love it here...it is so beautiful and there are four seasons. The people are great and we have loved the school system too but we came here from Los Angeles Air Force Base which was a nightmare.  We loved it so much we retired here when my husband got out of the military last year. 

Salt Lake is much smaller than Dallas and it is cheaper as you go North of Salt Lake...prettier too.  Send me a message if you need anything more. 

I see Dr. Christina Richards and I have been very happy with her.  Her main office is in Salt Lake but she has a satellite office here as well. 

Good luck with your move.

on 8/16/09 8:36 pm
I'm Beverly. I have lived in Utah. I have been very happy here all my life.
I just joined this web sight and was glad to find someone from Utah. 
Dr. Christina Richards is also my doctor. I just started my pre-op diet tonight. I have surgery on Aug. 25, 09. I have been scared and nerves about what it's going to be like to have the bypass. I'm not sure what it is going to be like not cooking for my family....like I use to. I have always pleased everyone through their stomach.  Now that is going to be the thing of the past.
Can I ask you a few questions?  How long did you stay in the Hospital after your surgery? And what kind of Protein Drink did you drink, pre-op and post- op? I don't know what brand to buy. I bought slim fast...Kirtland brand from COSCO and I don't think it is sugar free. ??  I guess I better go to bed. The sun will be coming up soon. I have just had a lot on my mind.... LIFE.
I hope you enjoy Utah. 

Thank you,
on 9/1/09 6:28 am - UT
I live in Utah county and have lived here for most of my life.  With the exception of moving to Green Valley, Az for a few years. I personally don't think Utah is too bad...... I don't think the shock would be as bad if you were moving from like New York city to here.  And the comment that chick made about Mormons...... there are ALOT of people here that aren't Mormons.   Not sure why that would matter if you like a state or not.  But to each thier own.  Maybe you should check out the Utah County areas..... I guess it also depends on where your husbands company is!  Good luck!
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