Tuesday WLS Express- be sure to wear bug spray

Alissa A.
on 8/6/12 8:34 pm - Keller, TX
All this west nile- scary! If you're going to be outside, spray up!
Alissa A.
on 8/6/12 8:36 pm - Keller, TX
Its really scary considering my niece Maggie is like a mosquito magnet! She's got bug bites all over her from just being outside for a few minutes. She's too sweet. Dad arrived yesterday. We'll be looking for rental houses Wed and Thursday- and then apartments on Friday if he doesn't find anything. Hard to believe I'm going to be 40 in 2 days. On one hand I don't feel that old but on the other, the body does! lol.

Hope everyone has a great day today!!!
Don 1962
on 8/6/12 9:13 pm

Ever tried one of the little OFF fan things?  No smell and they work! 

Pleasant suprise yesterday.  Aunt and Uncle from Plano were in the area looking at houses around Cedar Creek Lake that are for sale.  Suprised my brother as well since one of the houses was next to his!  Not looking to move here but for a "weekender".  Wound up meeting them for supper in Gun Barrel.

Finishing what I started yesterday at work is highlight of the agenda.

Alissa - if it is any consolation to you turning 40, to be blunt here, kicked my ass!  Turning 50 this year was so much easier!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Karla Lewis
on 8/6/12 10:25 pm - Livingston, TX
Good morning. So far haven't seen too many Mosquitos around here. I try to make sure there is o standing water to keep them away, plus our city sprays with the fogger every so often.

Alissa, turning 40 is easy and 50 is easier. Age is only a number in your mind.

Have a few things to do around the house to do today,then going to my nieces birthday dinner this evening.


Karla Lewis     337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006     Dr. Terry Scarborough   Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty  7-18-2008       Dr. David Wainwright    Houston, TX


Saundra P.
on 8/6/12 10:57 pm - Mesquite, TX
 Good morning,

Nothing exciting going on in my world, work keeping me busy and house gets cleaned today.

Still need to go to the bank and deposit a check, sure wish I had the app to deposit via phone.  

Have a great day!

VBG - 12/02/96   (High weight 283)
Revision to RNY - 06/11
/09 (Start weight 219)

Goal for weight to always start with 11*
At Goal - maintaining between 115 - 119

Gina 21 Years Out
on 8/6/12 11:12 pm - Burleson, TX

Good morning, TMB Family!

ALISSA..I agree with DON..for whatever reason, I literally fell apart after I reached 40..but, then I had my WLS @ 44..and, of course, and 10 yrs later, am 200% healthier than I ever was!! I also agree with KARLA-age is just a number. My mean mother is 77 yrs old and drives, round trip, from Burleson to Dallas 5 days a week, to work...Some days I feel 54..sometimes 84..once in awhile 18..just depends (and sometimes I need to WEAR "depends")...

Nothing concrete on today's agenda except work work work...

My car still isn't fixed..the insurance companies are still duke-ing it out...the police report did not show either driver "at fault", since HE (the 18 wheeler guy) said I hit HIM, and I didn't remember ever seeing him. All I knew was that I was in lane 4-the lane I am ALWAYS in that time of day-almost to my exit-and had NO reason to be changing to lane 3-where HE was..and traffic was gong so quickly there no "real witnesses". Even the ONE person who stopped to help me did not actually SEE the wreck. The police man 3 cars behind only saw me flying across lanes of traffic. He DID give the truckdriver a ticket for "fleeing the scene", after he followed him, and flagged him down, but I guess that's still not enough to point blame for the accident-at least not enough for insurance...Very frustrating..The agent said it would not be taking this long if car had been totaled, but is "fixable", so it takes more red tape...crap..double crap..

I haven't seen mosquitos down our way-but I haven't been outside much, and we haven't had much moisture. I know they were spraying the neighborhood behind us, at work (in Hurst)-smelled awful-but better than West Nile would feel, Im sure!

Guess I better go start being productive..or at least LOOKING that way...LOVE Y'ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH !!!!

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Vivian Prouty
on 8/6/12 11:58 pm - Fort Worth, TX
 Good Morning Alissa and TMB Family,

40 is NOT OLD !!!!  40 is just beginning to live life.   I just turned 59....and even THAT isn't old!!!!  IMHO.    My granddaughter is coming home today....but I can't see here today.   My son said they want NO vistiors today.    My MIL wants to go see her...but that's too bad today at least.   LOL   I won't bore anyone with all the hoopla that she is so beautiful.   Cause ya'll KNOW she IS !!!  She is already changing her looks.    She's cute as a button ( although I don't know where that crazy saying came from ) LOL  Like buttons are REALLY cute huh?   LOL  I need to get a cup of coffee down and make a Walmart run.   My grand dogs ate ALL MY dogs food and they are all looking at me weird.   LOL  Have a great day everyone and stay cool !!!

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


on 8/7/12 3:27 am - Spicewood, TX
No mosquito's here....but then again we have no water and that might have something to do with it....
Doctor appt today and have to go get Xrays on Monday. Praying that doc does not say I need my knee replaced....Not ready to deal w/ more surgery.
Mike has a procedure tomorrow to see if they can figure out why he is still in so much  back pain. (Mylethogram or something - they run dye through his back....)
Working on washing about 10 loads of laundry for Austin before he heads back to his final semester of college!


"Patriots always talk of dying for their country but never of killing for their country." - Bertrand Russell
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