smells so good

on 3/24/13 8:10 am

Ok I am on day 4 out of 14 of my optifast and I thought I was doing really good. Had not cravings nor any hunger. Up till dinner tonight. I started to feel hungry around 4 but fought it till 5. My hubby and kids had some porogies for dinner and even though I was full off my shake the smell was so over whelming. I thought this was suppose to get easier as the days past. The funny thing is I don't even care for porogies. I know I can do this but I think I may have to lock myself in another room if the smell of food keeps bothering me. Anyone else feel this way after 4 days in????


on 3/24/13 8:22 am - Canada

it's crazy i had no cravings before surgery on opti but i'm 5 days post op and wow everything i see looks so delicious. it also could be i haven't had anything solid except cucumbers for the past four weeks.

you'll get threw it

on 3/24/13 8:23 am
RNY on 09/20/12

the Optifast gets easier.... but not the feelings that you want to eat something. That will also still be there after the surgery. Head hunger - or head "wanting to eat that as well" feeling.  enlightened


I know you can do this!!!! Yes it does smell great - but you will be healthier when you stick to the program - and you will be there more for - and be able to do more with your kids.  That is worth SO much more - but nobody said it is going to be easy.

Hang in - you can do this!




Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.


on 3/24/13 8:27 am - Canada
RNY on 03/27/13
I'm going to be completely honest with you here hun.. I'm day 19/21 and I still have cravings. I was always a big eater. My family would get together over food. The smells kill me. I try to have a shake when it's everyone else's dinner time and I'm allowed salad (lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper, celery and broccoli) so it helps. I save it for when I eat with ppl. Good luck to you.. It's all mind over matter Hun.. I wish you the best!

I'm not there yet but I'm closer then I was yesterday!

on 3/24/13 8:32 am - Guelph, Canada
RNY on 02/06/13
The actual hunger for me got better but the head hunger was a constant challenge. I had to feed my kids everyday and it was hard being around the food and smelling it. I even bought them things that I knew they loved that I normally didn't like but it didn't help, I wanted whatever it was I was making.

Mmmmm, and I love perogies!

Referral Aug/11, transferred to HRRH May/12, Orientation July 4/12, Surgeon July 17/12,     RD, SW  Aug 3/12, RN Aug 22/12, Dr. Glazer/Sleep Study Sept/12, Surgeon Nov 2/12, 1st surgery date (cancelled due to to sickness) Dec 13/12, Re-scheduled for Feb 6/13

on 3/24/13 8:33 am - Kingston, Canada
Yep, today is the first day that food has bothered me. I had a request for my awesome spaghetti for dinner from 1 of my sons. I usually have tons of it in the freezer, so no I thought. None on reserves so I have to whip up a giant batch, while at it I also made them homemade herbed bread and an apple spice upside diwn cake. I had no desire for the cake ( I intentionally made something that I don't really like ), but the sauce and the bread smelled amazing. I drank my shake and veggi broth in another room tonight. On the good side, I've made enough to freeze up 6 dinners worth so I won't have to whip it up again for a while

Ref- Aug 2011, Orient ( OWMC )- Nov 11, Transfer to Kingston- May 12, NP, DT,SW,H-pylori ( neg ), BW, Ab US,- Jul 12, NP return Aug 12 ( HBA1C 8.2 ), started insulin - Sept 12, Diabetic Opti Clinic-Jan 11 13 ( HBA1C 7.0 ), pre-op class- Feb 6 13, Surgeon Feb 22 2013 ( Dr. Hagen HRRH ), Dr. Glazier March 18 2013, PATTS Mar 12 2013, Opti Mar 21 2013 Surgery April 4 2013.


on 3/24/13 12:03 pm - Trenton, ON, Canada
RNY on 05/02/12

The sad part is that even after the surgery, head hunger will still be an issue. The trick is to start practicing strategies now to get past it. Things like going for a walk, or putting in some teeth whitening strips worked for me. Sometimes it still wins, but that is just one day in what will probably be a life long battle for me.


You can do this. It's hard, but you can do hard things.

Dr Ref: Sept 9th '10, Dr. Follow up (file lost in bulk transfer) Aug '11Pre-surg Asmt Ottawa: Dec 9th '11File Transf to HRH -another bulk transf Bypass class: Feb 2 '12 Surgeon Consult: Feb 8 '12    Dietician: Feb 8 '12   Soc Wrkr: Feb 8 '12 Nurse: Feb 8 '12 Internist: Mar 9 '12  Surgeon: Apr 4 '12 Opti:Apr 18 '12 SURGERY: May 2 '12    
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