low white blood count? possible copper deficiency?

on 8/2/12 1:21 pm - Canada
 I'm 6 and a half months out and I've been told that I have a low white blood count.  I did some quick research on the internet and one medical paper seems to link low white blood count (leukopenia) with copper deficiency.  Anyone know anything about the relationship between these two?  
How much copper are we suppossed to get post-op?

Anyone have a low white blood count, too?  How was it treated?   Funny thing is that it is suppossed to make me more susceptible to infections and yet I haven't been sick since my surgery and I've noticed a general increase in my resistance to bugs...I'm just not coming down with colds or flus like I did pre-op.

Should I be worried about the low white blood cell thing or can it just be low and I"m okay anyways?
Sandy  Surgery Jan.18,2012 with Dr. Timothy Jackson at TWH.
on 8/2/12 4:29 pm - Harriston , Canada
what did the rest of your cbc say?
on 8/2/12 7:57 pm - Marathon, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/02/12
Do you know what your white count is? It's also helpful to know the differential count which is the breakdown of types of white cells.


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on 8/2/12 10:04 pm - Canada
RNY on 01/06/12
Holy crap I barely recognized you! Look at your collar bone! lol

Lookin' good!
on 8/4/12 7:37 am - Canada
 I am clearly a novice since I didn't think to ask any of these questions.  Sounds like I should ask for a copy of the blood work to keep track of it.  Thanks for the suggestions and I'll repost with more info soon.
Thanks for the kind words...the collarbones are definitely new! Who knew they were hiding there under the fat!
Sandy  Surgery Jan.18,2012 with Dr. Timothy Jackson at TWH.
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